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And I try to piece the puzzle of the universe, Split an eight of shrooms just so I could see the universe !
Since being diagnosed, I have done a greater good for society in eight years, than in my 37 years on earth.
Everyone has a childhood, everyone had awkward years and weird stages. Mine were broadcast for eight years.
I was so honored to be on 'Entourage' for eight years but I want to show people that I can do other things.
I dated a lot of girls all through high school, and in college I dated a young lady for about eight months.
We can't live life perfectly fully, because we sleep eight hours a day! We can live life only partly fully!
Cloud nine gets all the publicity, but cloud eight actually is cheaper, less crowded, and has a better view.
If you don't put out a shirt for eight months, that doesn't mean it took you eight months to make the shirt.
I spend eight months outlining and researching the novel before I begin to write a single word of the prose.
Not to expose your true feelings to an adult seems to be instinctive from the age of seven or eight onwards.
At the age of about eight years, if he is a boy, she turns him over to his father for more Spartan training.
Then, again, how annoying to be told it is only five miles to the next place when it is really eight or ten!
We did eight gigs in super-stadiums, all the biggest joints - L.A. Coliseum, Oakland Coliseum, Shea Stadium.
I hate high heels. Walking in high heels for eight hours a day should be forbidden by the Geneva Convention.
I'd gone through periods where I didn't work live performances for probably seven or eight months at a time.
We have a saying in Marseilles: a man in no hurry gets nowhere fast. I have been in no hurry for eight years.
Eight gold medals? If I wanted I could make a movie about me winning nine gold medals. Now that's real power.
Angelina Jolie may get Antonio Banderas in bed for eight hours on a movie set, but I get him in bed everyday.
I was not the kind of a principal player that was so in demand that eight or 10 or 12 scripts came per month.
I went from five foot eleven to six foot eight, and the more ball I played, the more I caught on to the game.
I learned my first songs when I was six and seven, and when I was eight years old, I won a local talent show.
Bhojpuri film industry is very small - precisely eight people govern the whole industry and I am one of them.
In my opinion eight years as president is enough and sometimes too much for any man to serve in that capacity.
When you've got eight or nine or ten cables running around with someone trying to operate them, it's too much.
If after two weeks you still can't write your middle-eight, the best course of action is to see a psychiatrist
I grew up in Southampton. My mum was a shop assistant; my dad was a carpenter. They broke up when I was eight.
I was working at this club in downtown L.A. from four to eight at night, just Eddie Rubin, the drummer, and I.
When I was eight, I started what could be considered my first business, performing magic shows in Mexico City.
I tell my team: if we win the ball, I want to see the ball in the goal in eight seconds. That's my philosophy.
I was a model for eight years. That's the deal: People look. But I didn't like being looked at and never seen.
I got a Super 8 camera when I was eight years old, and I just wanted to tell stories - I love telling stories.
I thought ‘I wonder what will happen if I try and root myself somewhere?‘ Look back over the past eight years.
It's the face itself that I love, not that face at twenty-eight or thirty-four or forty-three. It's that face.
I was eight when we came to Australia. It was five amazing weeks onboard this ship - it was the Northern Star.
I've been on every interstate highway in the lower forty-eight states by now and I never get tired of the view.
Sometimes doing a movie for a short period of time is better than committing eight months to a television show.
I'm 37, I'm pretty fit and feel I have another eight years left - which means there's 32 Majors still to go at.
I wrote my first book at eight, all of four pages. At 10, I did a 40-page story. At 12, I wrote two stage plays.
People will work eight hours a day for pay, 10 hours a day for a good boss, and 24 hours a day for a good cause!
My advice for young people is that, if you want to be a musician, the thing to do is practice eight hours a day.
You have to remember, eight out of 10 businesses in America, they file their business as individuals, as people.
I have always respected education, which is why I actually went back secretly and taught school for eight years.
We're a country of five-second sound bites and 30-second commercials. Eight years of one person is just too much.
Since the Revolution, eight generations of America's veterans have established an unbroken commitment to freedom.
I will probably write an hour a day and spend eight hours a day biting my knuckle and worrying about not writing.
The first thing I do is take Polaroids of the sitter - 10 or 12 color Polaroids and eight or 10 black-and whites.
I'd been a film maniac since I was very young; by the time I was eight or nine years old, I was hooked on movies.
Eight minutes past the hour here in Belgium - and presumably eight minutes past the hour everywhere in the world.