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I have loved eight women in my life. I remember every woman's face.
I do not believe there are eight hundred human beings on the globe.
My parents separated when I was eight. I grew up with my mom alone.
When eight row together with swing the boat becomes the ninth rower.
I did martial arts and karate for eight years when I was growing up.
I don't drive because I failed eight times and never got my license.
When I rejoined AC/DC in 1994 I hadn't played for about eight years.
Six hours' sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool.
Cut that pizza into six slices instead of eight, I ain't that hungry.
In the seven or eight years we were together, we were never together.
Kiss those cuffs good-bye." Lula from "Hard Eight" By Janet Evonavich
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall with a joint, drinking some eight-ball.
Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.
I did stand-up for my grandparents every day when I was, like, eight.
No one can wipe away the injustices of centuries in only eight years.
I believe that two and two are four and that four and four are eight.
I've been in motorsport my whole life since I was eight years of age.
For every two minutes of glamour, there are eight hours of hard work.
I like to roller skate. I have been roller skating since I was eight.
Very specifically, Nickelodeon is aimed at eight- and nine-year-olds.
But when I was seven or eight, I did my first little piece of acting.
You will be known as the One who protected the Eight.” - Hilde to One
I have eight brothers and sisters, so I'd like to have a few children.
Whether I get four hours of sleep or eight, I always feel well-rested.
People like me are aware of their so-called genius at ten, eight, nine.
This season, over eight productions, I am presenting four young tenors.
I was lucky - the first eight productions I auditioned for, I got cast.
Base eight is just like base ten really, if you're missing two fingers.
My childhood was endless - from eight to 18 felt like hundreds of years.
I need my sleep. I need about eight hours a day, and about ten at night.
The cruellest thing you can do to Kerouac is reread him at thirty-eight.
And it's a lot harder to hide with four musicians than it is with eight.
Eight out of 100 people in the Himalayas have published their own books.
Can I ask you something personal?” Six inches but I tell everyone eight.
For eight years I did effects for other movies until I got my movie made
I practiced saxophone eight hours a day for the first two years I played.
For eight years I did effects for other movies until I got my movie made.
Love in all eight tones and all five semitones of the word's full octave.
At eighty-eight how do you feel when getting up in the morning?...Amazed!
Suffering for eight hours...the most unpleasant experience I've ever had.
A responsible government does not triple the national debt in eight years.
The Byrds flew off the fallout shelter, eight miles high and falling fast.
To be a famously successful opera singer. I wanted that since I was eight.
My eight-year-old bought a bicycle with the money he saved by not smoking.
I'm just short for my weight. By rights I should measure eight foot three.
If you can’t state your position in eight words, you don’t have a position.
If you need somebody to dig up rocks eight hours a day underwater, call me.
I wish I had eight pairs of hands, and another body to shoot the specimens.
Arsenal are a great team. But we lifted the trophy eight times in 11 years.
Is there a rehab center for Coke drinkers? I drink six to eight cans a day.