Don't let your ego get in the way of your success.

You have to leave room for the other person's ego.

Ego gets you inches but it doesn't get you impact.

Jesus Christ went to the cross to magnify his ego.

It is hard to resist a flatterer who gets it right.

What is there when the ego is gone? Eternity, love.

My performances have finally caught up with my ego.

Such an ego simply forbade certain lines of thought.

Enlightenment is your ego's greatest disappointment.

My ego every day is more and more polite. I tame it.

People confuse ego, lust, insecurity with true love.

Oh, I'm just Ego's assistant. It's not anything big.

Ego is the immediate dictate of human consciousness.

If the ego is inflated it must be gradually deflated.

If you play more than two chords, you're showing off.

Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called 'Ego'.

Love is transcending the ego to connect with another.

Clearly I am a person who suffers from a lack of ego.

My alter ego does not look in too great a mood today.

Cooks must feed their egos as well as their customers.

The ego can exist only with goals, ambitions, desires.

I try not to have too much of an ego. I'll do anything

I'm one of seven kids. That'll keep your ego in check.

Took the G out yo waffle, all you got left is your ego.

A lot of people may not know this but I'm quite famous.

Ego loves identity. Drag mocks identity. Ego hates drag

Humility is born of the spirit, humiliation of the ego.

In the light of our egos, we are all dethroned monarchs

What else is there for me to conquer? Hopefully my ego.

The ego is as little absolutely permanent as are bodies.

The main task of the spirit is to free man from his ego.

Usually, autobiography is such an indulgence of the ego.

Openness, patience, receptivity, solitude is everything.

The most poisonous source in any kitchen is a chef's ego.

The conscious ego cannot tell the unconscious what to do?

Doffing the ego's safe glory, he finds his naked reality.

The experience of the self is always a defeat for the ego.

My desire is to let go of my ego and let in His direction.

You can either be a Host to God, or a Hostage to your ego!

Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser.

The trick is to learn to contain one's ego, not conceal it.

The true opponent in a debate on emptiness is your own ego.

What is needed is the constant unmasking of ego's strategy.

You can never be free as long as you have an ego to defend.

I bet it gets pretty lonely with only your ego for company.

When it comes to doing my job, I keep my ego in my handbag.

Ego is to the true self what a flashlight is to a spotlight.

I have no self-centeredness or ego about being a movie star.

Meditation is not growth of the ego, it is death of the ego.

I'm not sure the ring is big enough to hold both these egos!

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