We gain no easier advantage than by relentlessly pursuing our goal while others pursue an advantage.
It is no more effort for a man to be a saint than to be a sinner; it becomes a mere matter of habit.
I actually start drawing things. Usually they're abandoned before I commit too much time and effort.
If I put forth a legitimate effort, then I feel like, if that doesn't work out, that's all I can do.
I'm not the most prolific writer in the world, and, sadly, writing a novel involves a lot of effort.
The day you realize that your efforts and rewards are not related, it really frees up your calendar.
You can't expect to make no effort. You still have to make the effort and be kind and understanding.
Scientists under all forms of government must be able to participate fully in international efforts.
Make a painting you can work on for a long period, and make it look like it doesn't show any effort.
I don't chase after things, but I put forward the effort and know the rest of it is out of my hands.
During a fashion show, I want the clothes to speak. The effort I put into my work must be respected.
This world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort to be less horrible to one another.
The individual who has to justify his existence by his own efforts is in eternal bondage to himself.
Prayer is the only adequate way to multiply our efforts fast enough to reap the harvest God desires.
Unfair and unkind behavior in exchange for your loving efforts is the rule rather than the exception
I've never made any effort to hide what happened. I served my time, I've tried to learn and move on.