I'm very happy being big and effeminate.

I wasn't a masculine kid; I was pretty effeminate.

While I'm out of drag, I'm still extremely effeminate.

An effeminate education weakens both the mind and the body.

I don't think that you have to be effeminate to be sensitive.

My brother used to get beaten up all the time because he was very effeminate.

Growing up, the main thing I was ashamed of was my voice. It is very effeminate.

I never questioned if I was effeminate or not. That didn't matter in the theatre.

I spent ten years being told there was no way I was going to have a career because I was so effeminate.

It is a common observation, that the more solicitous any people are about dress, the more effeminate they are.

A man who reads effeminate may well be consistently heterosexual, and another one might be gay. We can't read sexuality off of gender.

At the time I perceived most religious men, particularly the pastors with all their talk about love, faith and relationship, as effeminate.

I have a very small platform, and if I can use that to reach some kid who's teased for being effeminate or likes clothes, then I've done my job.

Then I wanted the character to be feminine as opposed to effeminate. Because it's easy to be camp or queen. Anyone can do that. What's difficult is to play feminine.

I believe that President Nixon was right in what he did at Watergate. Lack of respect for authority and things like socialism are turning this into a weak, effeminate country.

Those who are born of parents broken with old age, or of such as are not yet ripe or are too young, or of drunkards, soft or effeminate men, want a great and liberal ingenuity or wit.

I've had friends of mine say, like, they're tired of 'gayface,' and I was like, 'What's gayface?' They were like, 'It's the gay version of blackface: like, come in and be more effeminate.'

If you aren't a reader and you have a kid with his face buried in books, it can be a bit threatening. My parents viewed my reading as somewhat effeminate, but also subversive on some level.

Trying to conceal the fact that I was a gay, effeminate, hyperactive, adopted child with a serious lisp in southern Louisiana would have been like trying to hide Dolly Parton in a string bikini!

A lot of kids are bullied because of their sexual identity or expression. It's often the effeminate boys and the masculine girls, the ones who violate gender norms and expectations, who get bullied.

I'm all for guys being butch and guys being men. I identify with that and appreciate that. But if I'm going to stab my gay brother in the back who isn't butch and who maybe acts a little bit more effeminate, what good is that?

Men and women are different: we have different tendencies, skills, and behaviors. This should be accepted and fostered, not demonized. Because the end result is simply more effeminate men and more masculine women. Who wants that?

I put on 15 kg for my role as an amateur wrestler in the first half of the Marathi film Natrang.' Then, I lost 17 kg for the second half of the film where I play a nachya,' an effeminate character in traditional Marathi tamasha. The weight gain took 40 days and I lost weight in the next 40 odd days.

I think when I was a young person, there was just kind of - there was very little dialogue about it. And there was just kind of one way to be gay, right? You saw very effeminate guys. You saw very butch women. And there was no kind of in-between. And there was no - you know, there wasn't anything in the media. There wasn't anything on television.

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