Personal and organizational effectiveness is proportionate to the strength of leadership.

As a child, one looks for compliments. As an adult, one looks for evidence of effectiveness.

It's not the situation, but whether we react, or respond, to the situation that's important.

Quality is free. It's not a gift, but it's free. The 'unquality' things are what cost money.

The effectiveness of your work will never rise above your ability to lead and influence others.

Be sure that, as you scramble up the ladder of success, it is leaning against the right building.

The moment a leader steps away from his core competencies, his effectiveness as a leader diminishes.

Everybody knows the power of deadlines - and we all hate them. But their effectiveness is undeniable.

Objective leaders identify their unproductive mental models and tweak them for greater effectiveness.

The effectiveness of work increases according to geometric progression if there are no interruptions.

The possibility of war increases in direct proportion to the effectiveness of the instruments of war.

The effectiveness of a group of people is not determined by their IQ but by how well they communicate.

A revolution only lasts fifteen years, a period which coincides with the effectiveness of a generation.

Every rule in the book can be broken, except one - be who you are, and become all you were meant to be.

Everybody says they want to be free. Take the train off the tracks and it’s free-but it can’t go anywhere.

The key to ongoing effectiveness [in evangelism] is a perpetual freshness in your growing knowledge of Him.

The number of clicks on display ads is not an accurate predictor of the effectiveness of online display ads.

You can listen to what people say, sure. But you will be far more effective if you listen to what people do.

You cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge that you have one and accept responsibility for solving it.

Sometimes believers are hampered in their public effectiveness by limitations that are no fault of their own.

Flying off the handle sometimes causes hammers and humans to lose their heads, as well as their effectiveness.

As electronic journalism came to be evaluated for its cost effectiveness, the network world began breaking up.

The goal isn't innovation. The goal is effectiveness. We strive for innovation because we want to be effective.

And regulation entails organizational effectiveness, a chain of command, and a structure for logistical support.

In the end, the effectiveness of our creative process comes down to whether we’re going to whine or do the work.

Most of us could stop doing something that's hindering our passion for Jesus and effectiveness in following him.

The George H. W. Bush Volunteer Generation Fund will further expand the scope and effectiveness of volunteerism.

Effectiveness in teaching the Bible is purchased at the price of much study, some of it lonely, all of it tiring.

The United States is not only number one in military power but also in the effectiveness of its propaganda system.

You cannot be effective if those who work for you are not. So building their effectiveness ought to be a priority.

The central challenge for educational systems around the world is the substitution of effectiveness for popularity.

Even the revolutionary writer will err if he fails to grasp the enormous effectiveness of occasional understatement.

The greatness of a leader is measured by the achievements of the led. This is the ultimate test of his effectiveness.

I don't want to become a rhetorical speaker. My effectiveness is mastering all of the data and being able to respond.

Physical and psychological spaces of an organization work in tandem to define the effectiveness of the people within it

True effectiveness is a function of two things: what is produced (the golden eggs) and the producing asset (the goose).

All the well-meaning advice in the world won't amount to a hill of beans if we're not even addressing the real problem.

The single greatest effect on student achievement is not race, it is not poverty - it is the effectiveness of the teacher.

It is astonishing what an effort it seems to be for many people to put their brains definitely and systematically to work.

So great are the effectiveness and power of the Word of God that the more it is persecuted the more it flourishes and grows.

The winner in a political contest is determined by the number and the effectiveness of the activists on the respective sides.

We may be very busy, we may be very 'efficient', but we will also be truly 'effective' only when we begin with the end in mind.

If we would have anything of benefit, we must earn it, and earning it become shrewd, inventive, ingenious, active, enterprising.

Destroying is a necessary function in life. Everything has its season, and all things eventually lose their effectiveness and die.

The effectiveness of our memory banks is determined not by the total number of facts we take in, but the number we wish to reject.

Growing, for leaders, is like oxygen to a deep sea diver. Without learning and growing, leaders die in terms of their effectiveness.

A number of people who have supported me on the border fence in the U.S. have observed the fences in Israel and their effectiveness.

President Nixon has lost his effectiveness as the leader of this country, primarily because he has lost the confidence of the people.

If a man amounts to much in this world, he must encounter many and varied annoyances whose number mounts as his effectiveness increases.

The thing I'm most focused on today is, how am I maximizing the effectiveness of the leadership team, and what am I doing to nurture it?

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