I am an educator.

I call myself an educator.

I see myself as an educator.

Love is the greatest of educators.

I'm an educator. I'm an organizer.

I don't consider myself an educator.

I am an educator who thinks globally.

I'm not an educator ... I'm a learner.

Education is our passport to the future.

I'm not just a rapper. I'm a child educator.

The educator has the duty of not being neutral.

For me, 'educator' is the highest title that exists.

E is for the EDUCATORS, the women who taught us well.

I learned that unemployment can be the great educator.

Work is one of the best educators of practical character.

Education is too important to be left solely to educators.

As educators we need to understand that there is no finish line in our work.

One of my highest priorities as an educator is to be as inclusive as possible.

To aid life, leaving it free, however, that is the basic task of the educator.

Enlightening editorial writers is even more difficult than educating educators.

The best gift an educator can give is to get somebody to become self reflective.

An educator in a system of oppression is either a revolutionary or an oppressor.

In a manner of speaking. I certainly never want to lose my voice as an educator.

The educator shall help the young to educate themselves in opposition to the age.

I'm a former educator, a veteran, and I have a strong energy and asset background.

Travel's the great educator, especially for the girls. You can't put a value on it.

The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.

Sense of community was really fostered by Larry Laurenzano, who was a great educator.

I'm still useful in my capacity as an arts educator and caretaker for the stray dogs.

The child is truly a miraculous being, and this should be felt deeply by the educator.

Educators have yet to realize how deeply the industrial system is dependent upon them.

I'm not writing for myself. I'm writing as an educator, I'm writing to stimulate others.

This then is the first duty of an educator: to stir up life but leave it free to develop.

Every good educator knows that true teaching is to teach kids how to ask the right questions.

The people must know before they can act, and there is no educator to compare with the press.

The educator and the public need to have an opportunity to discuss why certain art is important.

The schoolteacher is certainly underpaid as a childminder, but ludicrously overpaid as an educator.

Rejection is a gift and failure is the best educator, so when someone knocks you down, get back up!

The courts are merely a ruse, if you will, for humanist, atheistic educators to beat up on Christians.

As an educator, I have always striven to see that the fruits of the American Dream are available to all.

As lower-cost phones begin to penetrate, they'll become the educator and physician everywhere on the planet.

Stan Slaughter is the thoroughbred of the environmental educators I've hired. Second place is not even close.

Preventing the new generation from changing in any deep way is what most societies require of their educators.

If you only think of me during Black History Month, I must be failing as an educator and as an astrophysicist.

It has been well said that an effective leader must know the meaning and master the technique of the educator.

Educators remind us that what counts in a classroom is not what the teacher teaches; it’s what the learner learns.

As an elected official, an advocate for children, and an educator, Glenn Poshard has always fought for what's right.

The task of the educator lies in seeing that the child does not confound good with immobility and evil with activity.

I'm not quite pompous enough to think of myself as an educator or a man capable of definitive refutation of falsehoods.

Now I can look back and say I actually like the upbringing I had and my father was very attentive and a great educator.

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