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Engineers have shown to embody a tremendous amount of leadership skills through the collaborative educational environment.
The most important adage and the only adage is, the customer comes first, whatever the business, the customer comes first.
People should be free to find or make for themselves the kinds of educational experience they want their children to have.
Tyranny or slavery, born of selfishness, are the two educational methods of parents; all gradations of tyranny or slavery.
Imparting education not only enlightens the receiver, but also broadens the giver - the teachers, the parents, the friends.
The greatest triumph of our educational method should always be this: to bring about the spontaneous progress of the child.
The educational system is pretty much geared to passing the next exam. You're educated to pass tests and not to understand.
Jim Crow had unintended benefits. It forced blacks to build and rely on their own economic, educational and social systems.
More important than the curriculum is the question of the methods of teaching and the spirit in which the teaching is given
If you think advantage lies in resources, then you think the best educational system is the one that spends the most money.
The content I create reflects my personality: goofy, fun, positive, a bit clumsy, family-friendly, educational and helpful.
Anybody out there who is a parent, if your kids want to paint their bedrooms,as a favor to me, let them do it. It'll be OK.
In inner-city, low-income communities of color, there's such a high correlation in terms of educational quality and success.
Don't let failure deter you; use it as a stepping-stone and an educational experience towards making your mark on the world.
Still reading but learning a lot about true education and the process of guiding our children in their educational pursuits.
Customer service is just a day-in, day-out ongoing, never-ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate, type of activity.
The greatest educational dogma is also its greatest fallacy: the belief that what must be learned can necessarily be taught.
One of the most significant factors contributing to the chasm of educational opportunity is the way that schools are funded.
The number one show on television should be the most informative, educational and exciting show. 'Bonanza' is not that show.
While you're setting something up that's educational for yourself, you have an opportunity to teach others at the same time.
Three things give the student the possibility of surpassing his teacher: ask a lot of questions, remember the answers, teach.
If we create enough new companies, there will be additional opportunities for people at every rung of the educational ladder.
Religion is commodified; the educational system is a sham; and yet,[Bob] Dylan wonders, everyone has to stand naked sometime.
You've got to look for a gap, where competitors in a market have grown lazy and lost contact with the readers or the viewers.
Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.
Teaching has always been a poorly paid profession, particularly considering its educational requirements and responsibilities.
A mind might ponder its thought for an epoch, and not gain so much self-knowledge as the passion of love shall teach in a day.
Nature teaches more than she preaches. There are no sermons in stones. It is easier to get a spark out of a stone than a moral.
Do I dare set forth here the most important, the most useful rule of all education? It is not to save time, but to squander it.
To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.
I want to get into the educational DNA of American culture. I want 10 percent of the common culture, more or less, to be black.
Exciting discoveries in neuroscience are allowing us to fit educational methods to new understandings of how the brain develops.
We don't focus as much in schools on educational knowledge which requires thinking and application, as we do on acquiring facts.
One key factor in the downward spiral in our educational system is that there is too much stroking and too little real feedback.
Years of misguided teaching have resulted in the destruction of the best in our society, in our cultures and in the environment.
It can be an educational thing to play your songs to people because you see where you've gone right and where you've gone wrong.
Man, whatever else he may be, is primarily a practical being, whose mind is given him to aid in adapting him to this world's life
[Wellesley College] is about as meaningful to the educational process in America as a perfume factory is to the national economy.
Insight into soul-action, ability to discriminate the genuine from the sham and capacity to further one and discourage the other.
I've been reading a lot of books on history, and watching a lot of educational TV. Wikipedia too, even though it is not reliable.
Books and teachers are always "right", and we learn only from them, not from any other resource in the room, such as our friends.
Educational institutions, which are the grooming grounds for creating responsible citizens have to be kept tobacco and smoke-free.
Arne Duncan is done more to bring our educational system, sometimes kicking and screaming, into the 21st century than anyone else.
We should seek to be fellow students with the pupil, and should learn of, as well as with him, if we would be most helpful to him.
the boys of the rising generation are to be the men of the next, and the sole guardians of the principles we deliver over to them.
I studied shades, textures by painting after the Old Masters, the classical European paintings, as part of my educational process.
As a college coach, I felt you could make a difference in a player's life. There was an educational aspect I thought was important.
I've probably saved thousands of peoples' lives with my educational message on snake bites, how to get in around venomous anything.
'Neotenty' is 'remaining young,' and it may be ironic that it is so little known, because human evolution has been dominated by it.
To teach a man how he may learn to grow independently, and for himself, is perhaps the greatest service that one man can do another.