An educated people can be easily governed.

My parents were marvelously educated people.

Reality shows aren't for overly educated people.

I think the press are good people; I think they're educated people.

There are many very educated people who are religious, but they're not creationists.

But then it hasn't really been a focus of our government to make us an educated people.

Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.

'Good English' is whatever educated people talk; so that what is good in one place or time would not be so in another.

I hope to see the bringing together of all the best educated people of the earth into a worldwide Congress of Scientists.

Most educated people are not set up to listen or change their minds about politics, however sensible they are in other fields.

Inner city education must change. Our responsibility is not merely to provide access to knowledge; we must produce educated people.

Marylanders are among the nation's hardest working and most educated people. We have universities and schools that are among the best in the nation.

The difference between ignorant and educated people is that the latter know more facts. But that has nothing to do with whether they are stupid or intelligent.

I don't look to find an educated person in the ranks of university graduates, necessarily. Some of the most educated people I know have never been near a university.

If you can attract highly educated people from other parts of the country and keep your own best and brightest, chances are the job creators are going to be successful.

Vikings were pretty brutal, but also very educated people. They were salesmen, businessmen who started raiding when business wasn't good. That's why they had such great boats.

A high culture is the self-consciousness of a society. It contains the works of art, literature, scholarship and philosophy that establish a shared frame of reference among educated people.

The most important thing to me with any politician is that they don't start wars, but education is a big part of that, too, because educated people are less likely to do stupid, violent things.

I've been blessed because every single role I've done has been an educated person. I've never done the stereotypical Latina, even though I have an accent - I've always been able to play educated people. That's a good thing!

Nowadays, most educated people would just as soon stay home and watch 'Breaking Bad' as shell out a hundred bucks to see a Broadway play - assuming that there are any plays on Broadway worth seeing, which long ago ceased to be a safe bet.

People who lived in the 1920s and '30s and '40s were not so different from us. In some ways, they were probably better citizens than we are. They had longer attention spans, for example. Educated people tended to read a bit more than we did.

Premonitions, presentiments, the sensing of unseen presences and many allied experiences are due to the activity of the astral body and its reaction on the physical; their ever-increasing frequency is merely the result of its evolution among educated people.

I grew up in the suburbs among highly educated people, in a house crammed with books. It was a culture rich in ideas, stimulation, entertainment, and mental activity, all helpful to the nurture of an imaginative child who wanted from an early age to be a writer.

If you think of politics as 'serious people focusing seriously on the most important questions,' which is the default mode of most educated people and the media (but not the less-educated public which has better instincts), then your model of reality is badly wrong.

I'm so glad that we have had so many consequential rallies and parades which have now educated people and made them stand up for the third gender and give them the absolute place in our society that they deserve. There should have never been a division in the first place, though.

I never felt that I belonged. When I was at school... First I went to a Jewish school, when I was very little. But when I was 12, they put me in a school with a lot of traditions, and they were educated people and they were talking about Greece and the Parthenon and I don't know what.

When I was going through my chemotherapy, I realized not many people are willing to talk about cancer, even after getting fully cured. Celebrities and educated people are also very protective and private about it. I still haven't understood why. I decided to fight my battle out in the public.

Education is the key to the future: You've heard it a million times, and it's not wrong. Educated people have higher wages and lower unemployment rates, and better-educated countries grow faster and innovate more than other countries. But going to college is not enough. You also have to study the right subjects.

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