I am the young, edgy New Yorker.

I guess edgy things tend to get my attention.

I like to be stylish and edgy, but also low maintenance.

Myspace was always a bit edgy. People identified it with edginess and music.

You're miserable, edgy and tired. You're in the perfect mood for journalism.

I do love getting dressed up, but sometimes it's glam and edgy mixed together.

I don't want to do an edgy show, I didn't want bad language. I think edginess is the new hackiness.

Eddie Drake is sort of this loose cannon, funny, edgy guy, who has this really foolish, foolish mustache.

I'm always gonna have the darker edgy music; it is always in my pocket because it comes so naturally to me.

As Latinas, we tend to be overly partial considering stereotypes. I'm interested in being naughty and edgy.

The public's nerves are raw and edgy. You have to be discreet and understanding about the films you are showing.

Weird, but sometimes I feel more like my cartoon character than I do Lizzie because she's a little more edgy and snappy.

Now, there is always a tremendous fear of science and progressing forward into areas of the unknown and it is a valid fear. Some of the genetic alterations of food are a little edgy.

What happened to fantasy for me is what also happened to rock and roll. It found a common denominator for making maximum money. As a result, it lost its tensions, its anger, its edginess and turned into one big cup of cocoa.

Fighting positions, please, ladies...' 'That's debatable,' Halt said in an undertone to Will as they stood watching... 'The 'fighting' part or the 'ladies' part?' Will replied with a grin. Halt looked at him and shook his head. 'Definitely the 'ladies,'' he said. 'There's no debate about the 'fighting.'' Will shrugged. He knew there was an edginess to the girls' relationship and that it had something to do with him. Why that should be so was beyond him.

He [Daniel Craig] is mysterious, and I think that that's the thing Bond has to exude, that kind of mysterious edge. He draws you in, but he is also incredibly cool, you know, James Bond is cool and sharp and Daniel has that to a tee, and he's also got the rawness and an edginess to him that is slightly unhinged, and you're not sure what is going on there, and I think that is really intriguing and interesting. It is a lot weightier and gritty, and he has that.

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