Immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity.

Innovation is the central issue in economic prosperity.

Immigrants greatly contribute to our country's economic prosperity.

Economic prosperity and quality education for our children are inexorably linked.

As governor, I saw the link between economic prosperity and the ability to acquire knowledge.

The American people want economic prosperity, high-quality goods and low prices, all of which I support.

U.S. economic prosperity is closely tied to the availability of a reliable and affordable supply of energy.

Investment in education and economic prosperity is the best way to cure fanaticism and for establishing a just peace in the Middle East.

Energy is a linchpin of economic prosperity, with energy security, reliability, and affordability key preconditions for sustainable growth.

One of the big challenges for our party is to demonstrate to people that we have an agenda for economic prosperity and that we can be trusted with their money.

We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a prosperous and safe India, resulting out of economic prosperity coupled with civilizational heritage.

My entire political career has been based on building up Britain's political standing and economic prosperity through our membership of the E.U. and the European project.

With 1.7 million private sector jobs lost and half a million jobs shipped overseas over the past three years, we must take action to spur job creation and restore economic prosperity.

In today's world, learning has become the key to economic prosperity, social cohesion and personal fulfillment. We can no longer afford to educate the few to think, and the many to do.

Tonight, you are hearing from the Democratic women of the Senate... We stand together on so many issues: economic prosperity, quality education for all, protecting a woman's right to choose.

Haven't we put off problems without clarifying Japan's will to protect the lives and assets of its people and territory with its own hands, and merely accepted the benefits of economic prosperity?

Those of us who lived under communism for most of our lives were looking toward the Western world because of its values, emphasis on democracy, individual liberties and freedom, and economic prosperity.

The dual effect of high growth creating higher income that's taxed by government at all levels, combined with lessening demands placed on government that occurs during economic prosperity, is a worthy objective.

Under President Donald Trump's leadership, EPA has sought to undo and correct the Obama administration's failed regulatory decisions, proving that environmental protection and economic prosperity go hand-in-hand.

Our students are the best investment we can make for our country and our future economic prosperity. It's in our best interest to ensure they're receiving the best education possible and maximizing their potential.

I just believe that government borrowing and spending doesn't lead to economic prosperity, growth, or sustainable jobs. I know that it comes from the private sector: people who invest in their businesses and ideas.

The more consciously democratic Americans became, however, the less they were satisfied with a conception of the Promised Land, which went no farther than a pervasive economic prosperity guaranteed by free institutions.

Learning from the American experience, governments around the world have developed national innovation policies and programs to accelerate their economic prosperity and to help their citizens and companies compete globally.

If I am confirmed, I am confident that my colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee and I will maintain the focus on long-term price stability as monetary policy's greatest contribution to general economic prosperity and maximum employment.

Fundamentally, the solution to economic insecurity is economic prosperity - an achievable goal. But for anyone who has grown up without financial security, there's a shadow that lies over even those who move towards independence: lack of financial literacy.

It may be a truism that the country cannot be strong abroad unless it is strong at home, but it's also a fact that the country's economic prosperity depends on its security abroad - not only in the core of the liberal democratic world but often well beyond it, too.

Washington politicians think that government can make better decisions than you and me. But we know better. We know it's smaller, less intrusive government that will lead to real economic prosperity. We know it's business-friendly policies, not more red tape, that will create real growth.

As president, Barack Obama has the potential to finally bring our country together to meet the enormous challenges ahead. This includes restoring economic prosperity, moving toward energy independence, delivering affordable health care for all, and implementing a responsible, effective foreign policy.

It's nonsense. If, in fact, putting one out of four people in the state of Kentucky on Medicaid created 12,000 jobs and $30 billion in economic prosperity, why wouldn't we put every single person in the state of Kentucky on Medicaid? We'd create 48,000 jobs by that logic and $120 billion worth of economic advantage.

There are many ideas that we will never agree on. The left and the right have different ways of approaching governance, based on contrasting philosophies. But many of the ultimate goals - economic prosperity, better health care and education, etc. - are the same. We just don't share the same vision of how to achieve them.

A lot of young Poles, very well educated ones, are living in Britain. They are working hard. Of course they are building their own prosperity, but they are also contributing to the economic prosperity of the United Kingdom and surely I can say - and this is underpinned by the economic data - they bring in more than they take away.

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