There's so much talent around here, east London in particular is full of talent. Whether that be boxing or football or music.

With South East Asian nations, ASEAN countries, with some of them, we do have defence cooperation, and we continue with them.

There are people in this administration who say they don't care if the UN sinks under the East river, and other crude things.

Christianity was literally born in the Middle East, and we must not forget our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters in Christ.

I love the Park. I like to walk on the East River, too, up at Gracie Square, but Central Park is my favorite part of the city.

The creation of Physics is the shared heritage of all mankind. East and West, North and South have equally participated in it.

I have all the world around me. My walls are 180 East Longitude and 90 North and 90 South Latitude.... Adventure is my guidon.

That's what's interesting about the Lower East Side: It's New York, but it's also edgy. It's not as stuffy as Tribeca or Soho.

If the 'Post' can play the role of a connector between the West and the East, I have confidence in the paper's future success.

On taking office in 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama put Israeli settlements at the center of U.S. policy in the Middle East.

From Sunbelt to Rustbelt, North to South, East to West, once-thriving cities have become little more than drug-infested slums.

I will try to work for greater reconciliation, cooperation and peace in North East Asia based on correct perception of history.

Our safety requires a long-term military presence in the Middle East because that's where the plans to attack us are emanating.

I feel like I've mastered Dave East. For a long time I was trying to figure out who I was and what sound I wanted to come with.

Who is this that comes in grandeur, coming from the blazing East? This is he we had not thought of, this is he the airy Christ.

The north-south line of 'the mountains,' meaning the Cascade Range, forty miles east of Seattle, is a rigid political frontier.

I think writers from both East and West have long been fascinated by the ancient tales and the opportunity to reinterpret them.

I know the war in Iraq is controversial in the States, but for us in the Middle East it has made a great and significant impact.

It is very east to forgive others their mistakes; it takes more grit and gumption to forgive them for having witnessed your own.

Mark you for death, won't even talk that East or West crap. From Watts to Lefrak, it ain't where ya from, it's where's your gat.

There are four directions: North, South, East, and West. We are going in the fifth direction, which is the direction of stories.

Rap was an outlet for me to express myself. Nobody was trying to hear no R&B/Funk band from East Houston, so I guess I would rap.

My grandparents used to tell me stories about their trip to Ellis Island from Russia and life on the Lower East Side of New York.

Belarus is not the Middle East. The policies of Belarussian and Middle Eastern leaders are cardinally different from one another.

I was born and raised in East Los Angeles by a single mom who had three biological kids and adopted four more. I never met my dad.

Let us not forget the East Bank of the (River) Jordan, where seventy per cent of the inhabitants belong to the Palestinian nation.

In addition, each barrel of oil we save through conservation further decreases our dangerous reliance on unstable Middle East oil.

My first vote was for a communist in east London when I was a medical student. But I've voted Tory, Labour and Lib Dem in my time.

In the West, a teacher imparts knowledge to a student. In the East, a teacher transmits nothing more or less than his or her Being.

The Americans are a very lucky people. They're bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors, and to the east and west by fish.

The Philippines is in a strategic position. It is both East and West, right and left, rich and poor. We are neither here nor there.

I'm sick of '60s nostalgia. I've been to clubs in New York where it's just like the Fillmore East. And I thought I hated that then.

I went to this tattoo parlor in the East Village and I got an outline of a violin on my lower back. They call them tramp stamps now.

I know that Britain and the United States and others ship arms in the Middle East, 10 or maybe 100 times more than the Russian does.

The wind's in the east. . . . I am always conscious of an uncomfortable sensation now and then when the wind is blowing in the east.

Those looking from Europe see Turkey as an economic success, whereas others from the Middle East see Turkey as a democratic success.

It's really hard because obviously people label you as a British East Asian actor. And I'm just from Salford; it's where I was born.

I will always have two regrets. I don't have a presence in London, and I would have liked to have done more work in the Middle East.

I've never really been told my game reflects like I'm from Los Angeles. I'm always told that I have more of an East Coast type game.

Ship me somewhere east of Suez, where the best is like the worst, Where there aren't no Ten Commandments an' a man can raisea thirst.

When I stopped eating meat, I fell in love with East Indian food - there's so much selection, and they use the most beautiful spices.

I trained for the marathon. I run along the East River, and I used to run all the way down Manhattan, up the West Side and back home.

My company, East West, was founded on the premise that people need to group together and not be xenophobic, parochial, or provincial.

I had siblings from South Asia, from East Asia, from depressed communities around America, and you know, we'd have long conversations.

For some reason and I don't know why, but I don't think that I'm funny in California. So I always want to do my movies east somewhere.

For years, the West supported Mubarak and gave aid for what it hoped was stability - but was actually stagnation - in the Middle East.

And inasmuch as feeling, the East's gift, Is quick and transient,- comes, and lo! is gone, While Northern thought is slow and durable.

Criticism of the Middle East should not be directed only at Saudi Arabia. Human rights abuses are happening throughout the Arab world.

I have heard something said about allegiance to the South. I know no South, no North, no East, no West, to which I owe any allegiance.

As we move toward a new Middle East, over the years and, I think, over the decades to come, we will make a lot of people very nervous.

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