There would not be so many open mouths if there were not so many open ears.

I love him," I said, but even to my own ears I didn't sound happy about it.

It's better to wear seaweed socks than stick a melon in your brother's ear.

We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less.

One hundred ten thousand ears in this ballpark, and he's got to hit my ear.

When no food is given to the ear, Then let a little be given to the stomach.

The paramedic whispered in my ear 'God will never leave you or forsake you.'

You have to make an audience experience with the ears as well as their eyes.

We need American Muslims to be part of our eyes and ears on our front lines.

So it always is: when you escape to a desert the silence shouts in your ear.

More people than ever are slowly but surely turning their ears toward poetry

The dead have no ears, no answering machines that we know of, still we call.

farewell' is a monster among words, and never yet sounded kindly in any ear.

Holy water at my wrists and behind my ears; my version of Eau de Don'tbiteme

I have the longing that all writers have for new ears to pour my words into.

He is the best preacher, not that tickles the ear, but that breaks the heart.

Music is mathematics, the mathematics of listening, mathematics for the ears.

God is whispering in your heart, in the whole existence, just tune your ears.

I'm very coachable, I listen. I have these ears and they're big for a reason.

Quotations offer one kind of break in what the eye can see, the ear can hear.

Why ask for truth," Ser Barristan said softly, "if you close your ears to it?

Imagine how weird phones would look if your mouth was nowhere near your ears.

By the visual pattern, but mostly I'm guided entirely by my ear, what I hear.

The most valuable real estate in the world lies between the president's ears.

More people than ever are slowly but surely turning their ears toward poetry.

I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in.

We have all heard what we wanted to hear! Truth that sounds right to our ears!

Sometimes you just can't hear yourself. Maybe ears are too close to the mouth.

She leaned toward me, offering her neck, and I kissed her just behind her ear.

Your ears are always on - you have no ear lids. They work even when you sleep.

This is courtship all the world over - the man all tongue; the woman all ears.

Spend as much time as you can with your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open.

One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears by listening to them.

I'm not the kind of cat that's going to cut off an ear if I can't do something.

When you are listening to music it is better to cover your eyes than your ears.

Despatch is taking time by the ears; hurry is taking it by the end of the tail.

Keep your ears open, your eyes open, grab everything you can, react, and learn!

Keep silence, be mute. If you have not yet become the tongue of GOD, be an ear!

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.

We transform our relationships when we listen with our ears, hearts, and souls.

I believe the poet shouldn't be in the poem at all except as a lens or as ears.

We read Greek and Norse mythology until it came out of our ears. And the Bible.

Scripture often reminds us that it's not enough to have ears - we must use them.

Is not moderation an old refrain Ringing in our ears? from which we all refrain.

Why on earth should I care whether people read me with their eyes or their ears?

The danger lies not in the big ears of little pitchers, but in the large mouths.

You should have seen your face," she said, her breath hot in my ear. "Sa-woooon.

One of my theories is that men love with their eyes; women love with their ears.

What sweeter words can fall on the human ear? It's going to be May all week long.

The only shortage we have today is the shortage we have between our own two ears.

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