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You just go out and compete and try to earn whatever you can. I'm looking to get better every single day I set foot on this field.
I don't have the runs on the board to trash talk anyone in the boxing sense. I've got to do it the hard way and earn that respect.
As soon as I began to earn what might be called fairly large sums, I bought a car and began to explore the country around New York.
Confidence is not something you store in the fridge and pick out. You earn it by your performances, by your training, how you feel.
Currently, not only are Americans taxed on what they earn, but those assets are taxed again when they are passed on to a loved one.
Teach your daughters, teach your granddaughters, everybody has to have something that they're good at where they can earn a living.
When I was still doing indie, it was just purely art. I don't think about how much I will get paid or how much the movie will earn.
Have a working spouse, because you won't earn a living from writing - not at first, if ever. My wife worked for years to support us.
I am a professional photographer because it is the best way I know to earn the money I require to take care of my wife and children.
At the end of the day, I earn a living by creating music and not sharing it with anyone because I am my own master. I know my worth.
You can't take a single day for granted in the National Football League. Every single day, you need to earn your spot on the roster.
What we need is a safety net that lifts people out of poverty - that helps them earn a good paycheck so they can support themselves.
It's a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.
It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.
Mum obviously did not earn much money to feed me and my siblings. She worked hard to raise us, but there was always something missing.
I'm not going to change who I am or the way I promote fights just to get a title shot, but I think I've done plenty to earn that shot.
There aren't many athletes who follow their hearts. They choose to go somewhere to win more and earn more money. They're like gypsies.
Our main task is not to see that people of great wealth add to it, but that those without much money have a greater chance to earn some.
When you stand your ground, and you are attacked by liberals and attacked by the press, that is going to earn you the respect of voters.
I look upon life as a gift from God. I did nothing to earn it. Now that the time is coming to give it back, I have no right to complain.
I'm working hard. I'm putting in the hard work. I'm sacrificing. I ain't asking for no handouts. I'm going to earn everything I'm given.
Women, on average, earn less than men in almost every occupation, including traditional female orientated jobs like nursing and teaching.
The money financially is more for the family because I just enjoy playing darts. It's great situation to be able to earn money out of it.
I admire Indian cricket because of the way the sport is run there and how the money they earn is invested back into the game and players.
If people work for me over the years, I expect them to be paid what they're owed, but I don't expect them to be paid more than they earn.
Yeah, I know, any time you hear an actor say, 'I do music', you cringe. But I want to be gradual with my music. I want to earn my stripes.
I did not go into comedy to escape anything. I went into comedy because I had parents who thought it was a reputable way to earn a living.
Do I appreciate my wealth? Absolutely, yes. I'm trying to embed in my children's heads that if you don't earn it, you don't appreciate it.
We don't have entitlements as part of our family heritage. If you want nice things in life, if you want to get ahead, you have to earn it.
The displacement of scripted series by reality programming continues to be a severe obstacle to a working actor's ability to earn a living.
Street art belongs on the street. But I'm a working street artist and I earn my money selling art in the style of street art via galleries.
The day I do get my Roc Nation chain is going to be so much more valuable than if they gave it to me the day I signed. You have to earn it.
Tennis has always been my hobby and I love to play but it's also not a bad way to earn your living and it might help if children knew that.
I work hard every day to earn more minutes, but I am aware of where I am. I am at the best club in the world, and I am happy at Real Madrid.
Under Superintendent Johnson's leadership, our police department is on a path to earn the respect of every community in the City of Chicago.
Finance industry executives earn an annual income, including benefits, grants and bonuses, that can reach over eight million shekels a year.
My original aim after 'The X Factor' was to earn enough money in a year to make the whole experience worth it - you know, buy a car, a flat.
The writer must earn money in order to be able to live and to write, but he must by no means live and write for the purpose of making money.
We have many identities, and we can't be authentic to them all. The best we can do is be sincere in our efforts to earn the values we claim.
Though both films and television sell emotions, let's not deny that it's way more challenging for small-screen actors to earn their respect.
Maybe this is pathetic, but I still dread producing a book that doesn't earn back its advance. I hate obligations that are financially foggy.
I don't really care much about what the top one per cent earn. The gap we ought to care about in wealth is between the middle and the bottom.
Playing for Chelsea I have to be more ruthless than in the German team, where I have managed to earn myself a different status over the years.
As you grow and mature, you will want and will earn more freedom to live your lives your way and to make your own choices. This you should do.
One year was so bad for me and my wife that we were going to have to sell our house until Elaine decided to change career and earn some money.
In some places, women get paid 75 percent of what men earn for doing the same job, working the same hours, and I do not believe that is right.
People go on about how much players earn in the Premier League but once you've bought a nice house and car, what else is there to spend it on?
I don't see anything degrading about marriage or homemaking, but my husband and I pool the money we earn, along with the jobs around the house.
It's not like they just open the gate to Hollywood and off you go - you earn your stripes. I worked ferociously hard even just to get an agent.
Children with obesity and diabetes live harder poorer lives, they often don't finish school and earn much less than their healthy counterparts.