One of my earliest memories is of my father carrying me in one arm with a picket sign in the other.

In fact, my earliest films were in Tamil and Telugu and since then I have been acting in all languages.

My earliest memory is trying to read Beatrix Potter, and the words were literally jumping off the page.

My earliest memories are going into prisons. Going through metal detectors, getting searched by guards.

I have always loved wrestling and grew up watching it - my earliest memories include watching Hulk Hogan.

Conan the Barbarian,' 'Star Wars,' 'Mary Poppins' and 'The Wizard of Oz' were my earliest VHS obsessions.

My earliest memory campaigning was going to the dump to get petition signatures or handing out literature.

From our earliest days, has been deploying technology to help strip the friction out of travel.

Individual tribes or, in other words, races or stocks, are the constituent elements of the earliest history.

My earliest memories would be 'Little House On The Prairie.' I also really liked watching 'Three's Company.'

You know what my earliest memories are? Going from one burlesque town to another. My father was in burlesque.

My earliest memory was going to my grandma's house, milking the cows, and collecting the eggs from the chickens.

My earliest political memory is of attending, in 1975, a tub-thumping campaign rally with my father in Adelaide.

My earliest childhood memories are of my dad putting a basketball in my hand and playing with me in our backyard.

One of my earliest memories was throwing a tantrum because I wasn't allowed to put together the coffee percolator.

My earliest memories are making little Super 8 films - or watching my brother make stop-motion space spectaculars.

My earliest memories are of traveling from Jacksonville, Florida, to visit my uncle and his family in Tallahassee.

In the earliest days of Pixar, when we were making 'Toy Story' and 'A Bug's Life,' we all came together as a group.

One of my earliest memories is seeing a 'Godzilla' movie - not just my earliest movie memory, but any kind of memory.

I'd say some of my earliest scent memories are from home - just things that were around my house, and my mom's cooking.

I hate to date myself, but my earliest memories are Flash Gordon. I would love playing Flash Gordon in the neighborhood.

One of my earliest lessons in guilt was imparted in childhood through the story of the death of Mahatma Gandhi's father.

At school, I wasn't as interested in mathematics. I did OK, but at the earliest point I could stop doing math, I stopped.

One of my earliest childhood memories is my father taking me in the evening to Samena Swim & Recreation Club in Bellevue.

My earliest memories are of my father explaining to me the American Dream and how he expected me to do better than he did.

From earliest childhood, I have rejoiced over the Santa Ana winds. I know those winds the way the Eskimos know their snows.

My earliest memories of holidays are from when I was about eight. We lived in Pennsylvania, and every year we'd visit Miami.

When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.

I was always someone who wanted to write. I was a real shy, bookworm-ish kid, and I think my earliest stuff was fairly dark.

Earliest musical memory is probably being scared stiff with my family's band as a youngster on stage playing the conga drums.

My absolute earliest influences would be people like Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, Outkast, 'Get Rich Or Die Tryin' era 50 cent.

I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians.

One of my earliest memories is Mum telling me not to have as many sweets as the other kids because I put on weight so easily.

In my family, my earliest memory of you get out of line is - BAM! It was a lot of corporal punishment. But you can't do that.

I've got a love affair with Harley-Davidson. One of my earliest photos with my dad is of him holding me as a baby on his bike.

The earliest period at which I have been able to detect the existence of the spleen in the human embryo is at the second month.

I have always loved beauty and fashion. Some of my earliest memories are of being surrounded by fragrances and lipstick samples.

The people who get up earliest in the morning have the highest propensity to vote UKIP. I'm being absolutely serious about that.

My earliest memories as a child are listening to Beatles records, and they are a big part of how I've learned to write pop songs.

My earliest memories are at the Blue Note here in New York or backstage at different theatres or different clubs, dressing rooms.

Janet Landis came to work in my group in the summer of 1957 when our first bubble-chamber was churning out its earliest pictures.

I always dreamt of being a girl. One of my earliest memories is spinning around in my mom's skirt trying to look like a ballerina.

When I was four, we moved to the house on the west side of Chicago where I grew up. My earliest memories are of that first summer.

Your biggest influences are the earliest ones. When I was young, I was very influenced by the short stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne.

I started watching Liverpool on the Kop; my earliest memories were 2000 onwards when Liverpool won the Treble under Gerard Houllier.

Since my earliest childhood a barb of sorrow has lodged in my heart. As long as it stays I am ironic if it is pulled out I shall die.

My earliest musical memory is of my older sister playing me Nirvana's 'Nevermind' on headphones in the back of the car on a road trip.

Eating wantan mee in Malaysia is my earliest memory. The street sellers there have a whole cooking set-up on the front of their bikes.

Humor is a serious thing. I like to think of it as one of our greatest earliest natural resources, which must be preserved at all cost.

My earliest memory is making peach cobbler with my grandmother. A wonderful memory. I grew up in a restaurant family - B.B.Q. restaurant.

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