Hong Kong cinema is something you can't duplicate anyway.

I'd rather duplicate it myself. Another of our favourite techniques.

I've learned to duplicate my beauty regimen from drug store products.

I play duplicate bridge and I play golf and I go swimming once in a while.

Wal-Mart's success strategies and tactics are easy to understand yet hard to duplicate.

You name it, we had it. It won't happen again. You're not going to duplicate this show.

No one can duplicate the confidence that RSA offers after 20 years of cryptanalytic review.

Now and then, I had moments of greatness, but I never knew how to duplicate it consistently.

They can say whatever they want to say, but it is going to be hard, my friend, to duplicate me.

It does not make sense that everybody should duplicate efforts when we could be working together.

Your still searching for me in every woman. You'll always seek to duplicate what we had. You know it.

While no one railroad can completely duplicate another line, two or more may compete at particular points.

'Wolf Hall' attempts to duplicate not the historian's chronology but the way memory works: in leaps, loops, flashes.

My jokes are in my head and I have a duplicate copy of my jokes in a lot of British comics' heads, where they are safe.

It's all about evolution and for us, we try to think outside the box and not try to duplicate what we've done in the past.

The NSC staff should not, as it has in the past, duplicate the work of military officers, diplomats or intelligence officers.

I cant duplicate my own successes, because part of the creation of that effect is making something happen that you didn't expect

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.

Over the years, when you're in a band with a catalog like Aerosmith's, you accumulate a lot of instruments to duplicate those songs.

I didn't watch 'The A-Team' movie. I'm an artist. You can't re-paint a Rembrandt. You can't duplicate that; I don't care who you get.

Making duplicate copies and computer printouts of things no one wanted even one of in the first place is giving America a new sense of purpose.

You can't duplicate me. A lot of fighters come out with a certain amount of style, and I like to see that, but they get smashed up a little bit.

A man's desire for a son is usually nothing but the wish to duplicate himself in order that such a remarkable pattern may not be lost to the world.

Always be original. Never duplicate what you've seen another actor do. Be true to the character that you've been given, and the rest will come easy.

I see a lot of people try to come out and copy me, duplicate me, and give it the old college try, but at the end of the day, there's only one Chael Sonnen.

I can go into a restaurant; I might have to go a few times, taste something, love it and figure out exactly what is in there, and go home and duplicate it.

A lot of times when people get copied, they get copied and washed out. But you can't even duplicate how we do it because it's just so genuine. It's just us.

There's plenty to criticize about the mass media, but they are the source of regular information about a wide range of topics. You can't duplicate that on blogs.

I will say this: Rapping-wise, there has never been anybody to match Tupac's energy when coming on a song, like when rappin'. It's unmatched. You can't duplicate it.

When critics called me a duplicate of my father, I knew I can't do anything about my genes but I ensured that I shed the romantic image and create my individual style.

Married or single, you sisters possess distinctive capabilities and special intuition you have received as gifts from God. We brethren cannot duplicate your unique influence.

Only once in the last thirty years have I made a duplicate, and that was a watercolor from my oil picture now owned by the Layton Art Gallery, Milwaukee, called 'Hark! the Lark.'

What we're looking at is God's design, nature's template, and using that as a pattern to cut around and lay it down on a domestic model to duplicate that pattern that we see in nature.

Orchestra had a little brass ensemble on two tracks as well, but the rest was me. I knew I couldn't continue in this direction, even if people liked it, because I can only duplicate myself.

But I can tell you this: Nothing will happen up there that can duplicate my life down here. That life cannot be better than the one I've lived down here, the football life. It's been perfect.

We did it with passion; we didn't do it like everyone else. Teams nowadays are still trying to duplicate that, but no one has yet. We shuffled down and we did it. We did it in an unique fashion.

I write in the mornings, two or three hours every day, and then at least four times a week I play in a duplicate game at a bridge club. I try to go to tournaments three, four, or five times a year.

When you make machines that are capable of obeying instructions slavishly, and among those instructions are 'duplicate me' instructions, then of course the system is wide open to exploitation by parasites.

In regards to The Haunting, people compared it to the old movie, which is unfair. We didn't have the rights to the movie. I couldn't duplicate a single thing because that would have been legal infringement.

I think we've shot scenes from every angle directors can think of to make it look like different villages. I've directed a couple shows on that set and believe me, it's impossible not to duplicate some camera angles.

Conservatives, please. Let's not duplicate the manias of the Left as we figure out how to deal with Mr. Obama. He is not exactly the anti-Christ, although a disturbing number of people on the Right are convinced he is.

No aquarium, no tank in a marine land, however spacious it may be, can begin to duplicate the conditions of the sea. And no dolphin who inhabits one of those aquariums or one of those marine lands can be considered normal.

We're not going to just duplicate 'Heavy Rain,' because we are passionate about innovation and discovery, so we're trying to discover new ground and see how we can move from 'Heavy Rain' and create something even more immersive.

Being onstage is just a feeling that you cannot duplicate anywhere else because the energy that the audience is giving you forces you to give more energy. It's such an output and exchange of energy. You can't do that anywhere else.

I remember I was changing to one phone from another and going through my old contact details, and so I was having to delete duplicate numbers to make room, and up came the name of someone who died, and... it felt hard to delete the name.

'Product life' is measured in months, not years, and as soon as you introduce a 'product,' understand that others in your business are going to reverse engineer it to duplicate the results after they circumnavigate the patents, the trademarks, and the intellectual property.

So they talk about heaven, and I don't know what is waiting for me up there. But I can tell you this: Nothing will happen up there that can duplicate my life down here. Nothing. That life cannot be better than the one I've lived down here, the football life. It's been perfect.

When we had our first son, four different people gave us the same present: a copy of Ezra Jack Keats' 'The Snowy Day.' A new child often inspires duplicate gifts - we were given a dozen mostly useless baby blankets, just one more thing to spit up on - but this one was different.

I do not try to duplicate anyone's success; I am just really inspired by what they have done. I like the fact that The Roots can tour extensively, put out albums, and be so well received; that takes a lot of work. I really admire that, and it's something that I try to attain myself.

Though the S8, like all premium Samsung phones, runs Android with the basic Google suite of apps, Samsung keeps trying to duplicate Android functions with its own software. It wants to be a software platform like its rival Apple, but it uses someone else's operating system and core apps. Awkward.

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