If the individual is a unit in a corporate mass, his life is not merely brutish and short, but dull and mechanical.

Offence is important; that's how you know you care about things. Imagine a life where you're not offended. So dull.

Let hunger sharpen your awareness. Abstain liquor and frivolous recreation, which dull the mind and weaken the body.

Sometimes, I wonder where my place in this town called 'Hollywood' is - and that can give you a really dull headache.

Men of genius are often dull and inert in society; as the blazing meteor, when it descends to earth, is only a stone.

A man who has schemed for some time can no longer do without it; all other ways of living are to him dull and insipid.

Experience can dull. With most men experience is a series of mistakes; the more experience you have the less you know.

You've got to stay focused without being boring - because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Skinny, but dull.

We live in a society which salves its conscience more by helping the interestingly unfortunate than the dull deserving.

We gave the Future to the winds, and slumbered tranquilly in the Present, weaving the dull world around us into dreams.

I'm not on Twitter because I'm worried I'd be really dull, which would be tragic for someone who's supposed to be funny.

I use my clothes to make my day better - for example, if it's a dull day, I'll wear something bright to cheer myself up.

When we're trying to move on, the moments we go back to aren't dull ones. They're the big moments that meant everything.

An actor has many lives and many people within him. I know there are lots of people inside me. No one ever said I'm dull.

How very dull our lives would be without literature! How very much dark and poor, how so sad and empty the world would be!

You can have meaning, accomplishment, engagement and good relationships, even if you are dull on the positive affect side.

Greek philosophy seems to have met with something with which a good tragedy is not supposed to meet, namely, a dull ending.

Angry or not. It's a human emotion. But you can't walk around being angry all the time. What a dull person you'd have to be!

[A certain class of explanations in science are] analgesics that dull the ache of incomprehension without removing the cause.

Humor is a terrific tool for explaining things, especially when what you're explaining is frightening or dull and complicated.

Dull sublunary lovers' love (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit Absence, because it doth remove Those things which elemented it.

Literature ceases to be literature when it commits itself to moral uplift; it becomes moral philosophy or some such dull thing.

There is a black which is old and a black which is fresh. Lustrous black and dull black, black in sunlight and black in shadow.

Interstate highways dull the reality of place and distance almost as effectively as jetliners do: I loathe their scary monotony.

It was not the house that grew dull, but I that grew dull in it. My wife was better than all women, and yet I could not feel it.

Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame!

Our live experiences, fixed in aphorisms, stiffen into cold epigrams. Our heart's blood, as we write it, turns to mere dull ink.

Perfection is a trifle dull. It is not the least of life's ironies that this, which we all aim at, is better not quite achieved.

You must not think That we are made of stuff so fat and dull That we can let our beard be shook with danger And think it pastime.

Show me a person who has nothing to hide, and I'll show you a person who is either exceedingly dull - or a complete exhibitionist

Mental health is seen as a massive drag to have to write about - worthy, dull. Something you should 'have' to read / write about.

A neurotic can perfectly well be a literary genius, but his greatest danger is always that he will not recognize when he is dull.

You have to be as fully prepared for the dull game as you are for the great game, or else you won't be prepared for the great one.

I stupidly ignored education completely. I found it dull and I preferred to cause chaos and have fun. I regret this massively now.

Mathematical high culture collides with pop culture and all hell breaks loose! Harris takes us on a wild ride--never a dull moment!

I learn the whole time. I think it would be dull if I thought I was going to work and wouldn't find something new. We always learn.

Repeat the truth so that the dull can grasp it! Repeat the truth with the speed of a woodpecker's beak making holes in tree trunks!

The instruction at Edinburgh was altogether by lectures, and these were intolerably dull, with the exception of those on chemistry.

My secret is that I have never thought there is a secret to anything in life. Passion. Love. Drive. Work. Work. Work. Dull but true.

Only the poet has any right to be sorry for the poor, if he has anything to spare when he has thought of the dull, commonplace rich.

And when I am forgotten, as I shall be, And asleep in dull cold marble, where no mention Of me must be heard of, say, I taught thee.

The long, dull, monotonous years of middle-aged prosperity or middle-aged adversity are excellent campaigning weather for the devil.

We've let the blade of our innocence dull over time, and it's only in innocence that you find any kind of magic, any kind of courage.

A Local Government Stationery Store is something to behold. It's like walking through the back of a cupboard into a really dull Narnia.

To be matter-of-fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy - and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful.

I hate the word 'ought' - it always implies something dull, cold, and commonplace. The 'ought nots' of life are its pleasantest things.

The language has got to be fully alive - I can't bear dull, flaccid writing myself and I don't see why any reader should put up with it.

What ails the truth is that it is mainly uncomfortable, and often dull. The human mind seeks something more amusing, and more caressing.

Living the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, causing you to bump into people not going your way.

No one would want to read a book in which I explain the science of cloning because it would be very dull and it would also make no sense.

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