The man who gets drunk in peacetime is a coward. The man who gets drunk in wartime goes on being a coward.

I'm never drunk on the road, and since I've got to take care of my voice, smoke is definitely not allowed.

It is better to be drunk with loss and to beat the ground, than to let the deeper things gradually escape.

I loved the full heat of being drunk, like I was made of melting chocolate and spreading in all directions.

There are plenty of alcoholics who can be magnificent when drunk: it does not make them any less alcoholic.

Getting stopped for drunk driving in those days might mean that your entire career was over then. Not today.

If your boss gets drunk and offers to photocopy her posterior, do not helpfully suggest pressing reduce 75%.

And in the end, we were all just humans...Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness.

I filmed myself drunk, just to see what I'm like. I watched so many funny videos of people drunk on YouTube.

Politicians use statistics in the same way that a drunk uses lamp-postsfor support rather than illumination.

He made her drunk, this man made her drunk; and every time his eyes flashed into hers she could not breathe.

God may do something silly at any time, because, like any lover, God does not reason. God is drunk with love.

Nobody can write the life of a man but those who have eat and drunk and lived in social intercourse with him.

Do It Under the Influence Yourself! That's what we're shooting for! Get drunk and make your dreams come true.

Be drunk with Love, for Love is all that exists. Where is intimacy found if not in the give and take of Love.

I don't drink and haven't since I was younger so trying to remember what it feels like and act drunk was fun.

I used to get drunk in venues after my shows and sign the walls "Ed was here." So if you see that, it was me.

I have never smoked and have always drunk a lot of water, but cleanse, tone and moisturise every day? No way!

For some reason, cats are usually addressed familiarly, though no cat has ever drunk bruderschaft with anyone.

So, after awhile, you can only get so much happiness from a guy who's drunk come up and tell you you're great.

Alcohol make you drunk, man. It don't make you meditate, it just make you drunk. Herb is more a consciousness.

Do you find it easy to get drunk on words?" "So easy that, to tell you the truth, I am seldom perfectly sober.

As an actor, that's nerve-wracking enough [drunk and doing coke] because you have to do it at the right level.

Human nature is like a drunk peasant. Lift him into the saddle on one side, over he topples on the other side.

Most British statesmen have either drunk too much or womanised too much. I never fell into the second category.

I lay my head on the wheel and the horn begins honking, the whole neighborhood knows that I'm home drunk again.

To appear on the stage drunk, to have them leave there and remember me making drunken mistakes, that was death.

I'd give all the champagne I've ever drunk to be playing alongside him in a big European match at Old Trafford.

Boy lift it up, lets make a toasta Lets get drunk, its gon bring us closa Don't I look like a HalleBerry posta?

Everybody in recovery smokes. If you don't like smoking, don't even bother trying to get sober. Just stay drunk.

I hate bands that hang around, like, 10 years too long - they're like the drunk at a party you can't get rid of.

A man should always be drunk, Minnie, when he talks politics - it's the only way in which to make them important.

You don't know how to handle anything today, because you have to go to jail to get some press or fall down drunk.

You cannot prevent a man getting drunk if he wishes to do so, but when he becomes a nuisance, then you interfere.

A good writer is not, per se, a good book critic. No more so than a good drunk is automatically a good bartender.

Coffee, though a useful medicine, if drunk constantly will at length induce a decay of health , and hectic fever.

Ever since the Greeks, we have been drunk with language! We have made a cage with words and shoved our God inside!

Ever since the Greeks, we have been drunk with language! We have made a cage with words and shoved our God inside!

I don't want to look out and perform in front of people who are drunk. I did that when I was playing little clubs.

It's not fair to say that Congress spends money like a drunk sailor. At least the sailor is spending his own money!

And patience flees my heart, And reason flees my mind. Oh, how drunk can I get to be, Without your love's security?

It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.

After all, it was never Darnay he quoted, only Sydney, drunk and wrecked and dissipated. Sydney, who died for love.

So as not to feel the horrible burden of time that breaks your back and bends you to the earth, be endlessly drunk.

It is sometimes necessary for each person. Fill up with delicious food, get drunk, sing loudly and chat frivolously.

An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men.

I don't drink, and I don't smoke. It's a personal preference. My mom has never drunk or smoked. I look up to my mom.

I'm not going to get drunk at a bar. There are younger girls who look up to me. So I do my best not to stray too far.

Complaining that a comic is drunk is like going to a titty bar and complaining because your lapdancer is a communist.

I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk. Took my diamond to the pawn shop, but that don't make it junk.

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