Not only is the old man twice a child, but also the man who is drunk.

Knowledge is the only water which makes one thirsty when it is drunk.

You don't hear about me being at parties, going out and gettin' drunk.

I've had very little sex. I like my Scotch, but I've never been drunk.

Putting my face in food is not a habit I have unless I'm really drunk.

I'm brighter when I'm not drunk; when I'm drunk, I lose part of my IQ.

I have never been drunk in my life, and I don't expect I ever will be.

We learn to walk when we’re babies and never forget unless we’re drunk.

A woman's got as much right -and more cause - to get drunk than any man

I rely on the promise, 'God is kind to women, fools, and drunk people.'

And we used to do a lot of drugs and get very drunk on very cheap wine.

I'd sing for any friend's happiness. I don't have to get drunk to do so.

The problem wiv some blokes is that wen they ain't drunk, they're sober.

One may be drunk with love without being any nearer to finding his mate.

Asquith, when drunk, can make a better speech than any of us when sober.

When I am drunk I am at my best. It is the national knack of the French.

I wrote my songs despite the fact that I was a drunk, not because of it.

The claw of the magnolia, drunk on its own scents, asks nothing of life.

I used to like whiskey. But it's been a long time since I've been drunk.

As long as I could pitch a little, no one cared that I was getting drunk.

I'm not a drunk anymore, but since they cut out my tongue, I sound drunk.

Yeah, she was hitting me hard. She was drunk and she was hitting me hard.

As I grew older I became a drunk. Why? Because I like ecstasy of the mind.

He is a drunkard who takes more than three glasses though he be not drunk.

As far as I'm concerned the only thing to do is sit in a room and get drunk

A bottle of wine Still to be drunk, A bundle of thoughts Still to be thunk.

Being sober on a bus is, like, totally different than being drunk on a bus.

You talk like a drunk man walks: in every direction but where he be headed.

We can't get kicked out of McDonald's! This is like the DMZ of drunk eating.

The best research for playing a drunk is being a British actor for 20 years.

Girl scouts didn't teach me what to do with emotionally unstable drunk boys.

It's okay saying sorry, but when you are drunk you say what you really feel.

Man, being reasonable, must get drunk; the best of life is but intoxication.

Peace was declared, but not all of us were drunk with joy or stricken blind.

My wedding will be a great party where I can get drunk and have a good time.

I'm in no condition to drive...wait! I shouldn't listen to myself, I'm drunk!

Think of me as an impetuous Hegel, drunk with power, and also, regular drunk.

Promise me one thing: don't take me home until I'm drunk - very drunk indeed.

I've been drunk only once in my life. But that lasted for twenty-three years.

I became a Christian before I got sober. So I was a drunk, bulimic Christian.

I'm a loving drunk. I get sentimental. "I love you guys." I drunk-dial a lot.

A good friend is someone who gets ya drunk and then walks ya home afterwards.

The worst thing about some men is that when they are not drunk they are sober.

Touring with Iggy Pop was something to do. It was good fun. I got drunk a lot.

I wanna get drunk 'til I'm off my mind. One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer.

If you're not drunk and half naked by this point, you're not paying attention.

You can't kill rock and roll without a silver bullet because she's a werewolf.

She’s drunk dialing contractors ” Chloe said to Tara. “Someone should stop her.

I'm pretty drunk and bored with yelling at the stone walls that are your minds.

A man will part with anything so long as he's drunk, and you're drunk with him.

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