I never drank except a couple sips of wine at Thanksgiving.

Debut: the first time a young girl is seen drunk in public.

I was so drunk last night I fell down and missed the floor.

Michael Cole, what did you get for Christmas? Except drunk.

Our constitution protects aliens, drunks and U.S. Senators.

Don't be getting sloppy drunk and telling them dirty jokes.

I don't get DRUNK before I play but I might get drunk after.

I'd say Ernest Hemingway would be a blast to get drunk with.

Let us settle down to the serious business of getting drunk.

Good wine, well drunk, can lend majesty to the human spirit.

It seemed that I performed better sober than drunk. Who knew?

You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.

God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world.

I stifled a sigh and ignored the Imprinted Drunk Vision Girl.

Of course I get drunk, my brain is only the size of a walnut.

Write when drunk. Edit when sober. Marketing is the hangover.

Our hearts were drunk with a beauty Our eyes could never see.

The only person more cynical than a drunk is a reformed drunk.

Everyone gets drunk and makes out with the wrong guy sometimes.

Alone, I am drunk on my thoughts; in company, I am sober again.

Being skint, drunk, paranoid - no, I don't wish that for myself.

Why is American beer served cold? So you can tell it from urine.

Everyone danced -- sweaty bodies packed tight, drunk with sound.

You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.

A drunk doesn't try to stand up; a drunk tries not to fall down.

What's the Use of Getting Sober (When You Gonna Get Drunk Again)

My mother was an amateur singer, my father was an amateur drunk.

I’ve never been drunk in my life. I don’t use recreational drugs.

To get a traveling salesman drunk is the height of impossibility.

I was this weird loner kid who got drunk by himself all the time.

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?" "Ask a glass of water."

My lips got lost on the way to the kiss - that's how drunk I was.

I try to stay two drinks ahead of reality and three behind a drunk

I Was so Drunk, I Thought a Tube of Toothpaste Was Astronaut Food.

I'm like the drunk in the bar who wants just one more for the road.

Ed Balls is like a drunk trying to drink his way out of alcoholism.

A man is never drunk if he can lay on the floor without holding on.

What, when drunk, one sees in other women, one sees in Garbo sober.

The best audience is intelligent, well-educated and a little drunk.

Don't you know there ain't no devil, it's just god when he's drunk.

Drunk people run stop signs, high people wait for them to turn green

I wanna be drunk when I wake up, on the right side of the wrong bed.

I got drunk when I was five. Everybody gets drunk before they're 21.

We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English.

Let's go and get drunk on light again - it has the power to console.

I was the biggest, most hopeless and most violent drunk in baseball.

Why should I trust you? We haven't drunk from the same bowl of soup.

Yeah Jesus could turn water in to wine, but he didn't share. Douche.

I am as drunk as a lord, but then, I am one, so what does it matter ?

I rely on the promise, God is kind to women, fools, and drunk people.

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