You can't keep a cool head when you're drowning in love. You just ...

You can't keep a cool head when you're drowning in love. You just trash around a lot and scream, and wear yourself out.

People get so in the habit of worry that if you save them from ...

People get so in the habit of worry that if you save them from drowning and put them on a bank to dry in the sun with hot chocolate and muffins they wonder whether they are catching cold.

I'm drowning in papers.

Here is the boy, drowning.

We are drowning in information.

I'm drowning my brother drowning.

I once saved someone from drowning.

Promises. I was drowning in promises.

A drowning man will clutch at a straw.

A drowning person doesn't rescue herself.

We're all kind of weird and twisted and drowning.

I can fall asleep in the shower without drowning.

Wherever there is water there is someone drowning.

Drowning men, it is said, cling to wisps of straw.

No person ever died by drowning in their own sweat.

When a dog is drowning, everyone offers him a drink.

Kafka didn't save me. He just told me I was drowning.

Today, human civilization is drowning in a sea of lies.

I suspect this is all gonna end in screaming and drowning

We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge.

Oil is drowning our oceans and drowning our boreal forests.

If you sing to the mermaids, they come when you're drowning.

We walk by faith. We don't stay still, drowning in our misery.

I used to feel like I was drowning. So I stopped trying to swim.

It was as helpful as throwing a drowning man both ends of the rope.

He kissed me desperately, like a drowning man and I was his oxygen.

Drowning was bad enough. But drowning sad and sober, that's too cruel.

Cath felt like she was swimming in words. Drowning in them, sometimes.

It's only water," she said. "Tell that to a drowning man," Giddon said.

We cling to words like drowning men to straws. But still we drown, we drown.

I can't swim but if my girlfriend was drowning, I'd still dive in to save her.

The neurotic is always half-drowning in anxiety, and always being half-rescued.

Man, I was drowning in sadness. And Angelina, she lifted me right up out of there.

Two drowning people can't save each other. All they can do is drag each other down.

We drift down time, clutching at straws. But what good's a brick to a drowning man?

To understand the world, one’s place in it, is to be always at the risk of drowning.

Once again, I had that feeling of drowning when I hadn’t even known I was in the pool

The Western world, and the UK in particular, is drowning in a sea of its own blubber.

There is a gulf as wide as an ocean between should and want, and I am drowning in it.

Anxiety is love's greatest killer, because it is like the stranglehold of the drowning.

Coroner's inquest: death by drowning. And he hasn't been to the sea-shore in ten years.

If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning.

We are swimming on the face of time and all else has drowned, is drowning, or will drown.

I know that look, Blake. You are a drowning woman, and the only way out is down the aisle.

They call it the drowning instinct. It's when drowning doesn't look like drowning. (pg. 241)

I can't swim and I'm terrified of drowning, but I still love being by water - just not in it.

What do you do when your competitor is drowning? Get a live hose - and stick it in his mouth.

Drowning yourself won't help, she told herself sternly. Now, drowning Will, on the other hand.

You know what it's like having five kids? Imagine you're drowning. And someone hands you a baby.

hope is like a piece of string when you’re drowning; it just isn’t enough to get you out by itself.

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