You know, I've written many of my songs while driving - which is against the law in many cases.

I do catch myself driving around singing tunes, but I don't know if it's necessarily show tunes.

We are not the ones driving the boat of our behavior, at least not nearly as much as we believe.

When I got outta High School I was driving a truck. I was just a poor boy from Memphis, Memphis.

It is nature that is driving us towards perfection, and eventually she will bring everyone there.

Music is a part of my life all the time - on the plane, before matches, driving out to the court.

Well, we won the war. You know what that means. In twenty years, we'll all be driving Iraqi cars.

Everything you need to get that relaxed driving that brings consistency only comes with practice.

I don't like being famous - it is like a prison. And driving for Ferrari would make it far worse.

She liked the way he smelled - kind of free and open, like driving with the windows down at night.

As a lawyer, money was my driving force. As the years passed, I accumulated more but was less happy.

I did, I'd say, at least about 80 percent of the rest of the driving, and I had the time of my life.

I wasn't driving down the wrong side of the street, smoking marijuana, waving my gun out the window.

When perfectionism is driving us, shame is riding shotgun and fear is that annoying backseat driver!

I would never kill a living thing, although I probably have inadvertently while driving automobiles.

I would never kill a living thing, although I probably have inadvertently while driving automobiles.

If our era is the next Industrial Revolution, as many claim, AI is surely one of its driving forces.

You know, music is sex. It's a sensual driving mode that affects people if it's played a certain way.

The smell of fuel, driving on the limit on the edge of sliding, it just gives you a lot of adrenaline.

If you're driving down the street, you keep the neck forward. So that way you can clear out the lanes.

If I'm driving to L.A. and have anxiety about making the drive, if I've got Peggy with me, we're cool.

People are essentially losing their temper for things that have nothing to do with the act of driving.

Once, when I was driving my bike with my helmet on, two girls recognized me by just looking at my eyes.

When I'm driving I should make more of an effort with my iPod, but I'm too lazy to organise a playlist.

Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair.

Driving is a spectacular form of amnesia. Everything is to be discovered, everything to be obliterated.

I love driving, but I like driving on a two lane road where you can drive for hours and not see anybody.

Road rage is the expression of the amateur sociopath in all of us, cured by running into a professional.

I like driving; I don't drive since I live in New York. I don't have an opportunity to drive, like, ever.

I am not good at following rules, I am not good at following instructions, I am not good at driving slow.

If you think you are going to win, you'll lose. Moreover, if you think you are going to lose, you'll lose.

We also listen to PJ Harvey; a lot of driving music. You need something a little more relaxing in the car.

The South is a great driving destination for tourism - heritage, cultural and many other types of tourism.

He likes driving very fast on the wrong side of the road," said Sarah. "Which I can completely understand.

I used to pretend that my Peugeot driving to the gym in the rain in Dublin was a Ferrari on the Vegas strip.

Anyone who dials a phone while driving is flirting with death. And anyone who texts while driving is insane.

Driving race cars was an avenue for me to learn how to build my own car, and that was my ambition all along.

Most of American life consists of driving somewhere and then returning home, wondering why the hell you went.

If being the biggest company was a guarantee of success, we'd all be using IBM computers and driving GM cars.

My job driving the ambulance was not very severe, you did what you were supposed to do. That was my main job.

The driving force behind the liberal counter-offensive in Europe has been a reaction against irresponsibility.

Success is not only one thing. It's not only having a nice house in Beverly Hills and driving a nice Mercedes.

Rather than being a luxury, emotions are a very intelligent way of driving an organism toward certain outcomes.

No one drives in Manhattan - in fact, many of the folks who live in Manhattan don't even have driving licenses!

Nobody thought I'd be a great coach. I'm the kind of guy you'd expect to be driving an 18-wheeler through town.

You don't really drive in cabs in L.A. unless you're broke or homeless - or if you're broke and driving the cab.

It helps if you don't see it as traffic but rather as thousands of individuals resolved to press on another day.

Ultimately the presence of other well known players is driving us to build a more compelling, innovative product.

I have always loved blizzards, if only because of the driving experience - which is definitely an acquired taste.

I gave 738 Rotary Club speeches, and it was just driving me crazy, so someone said, 'Why don't you charge money?'

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