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It's the fear of failure that drives all of us at Red Bull.
What Obamacare does is decreases choices and drives up cost.
Dreams of warp drives and hyperspace are just that - dreams.
I love to listen to Howard Stern with the guy who drives me.
I'm a kid from Ohio in an industry that drives people insane.
It's weird to sit as a comedian. Being still drives me crazy.
Competition drives growth in the end as opposed to monopolies.
Society drives people crazy with lust and calls it advertising.
The best entrepreneurs have a sense of purpose that drives them.
As a filmmaker what you can hope to do is doing what drives you.
When people pile seven things onto one burger, it drives me nuts!
I don't want someone to watch sports in bed. That drives me nuts.
It drives people nuts that I take them to McDonald's all the time.
The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters.
The thing that drives me more than anything else is being a father.
I think I live life really spontaneously. That drives people crazy.
DNS is kind of the hamster under the hood that drives the Internet.
When you fight, anger drives up testosterone in both men and women.
I'm compulsively on time. It drives me insane when people are late.
It's tough to maintain 15-play drives consistently and score points.
In the long run, competition makes us better... it drives innovation.
What drives me is winning medals and going out there and enjoying it.
Creative drives our business; the business doesn't drive the creative.
Spanish women are so sexy. The way they move and talk drives me crazy!
Without a doubt, what drives sales is letting people try our products.
Even back then, I exuded self-confidence, and that drives women crazy.
A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?
Like anyone, I'm scared of failure. That drives you to work really hard.
Stamina is the force that drives the drumming; it's not really a sprint.
Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives.
My mom drives me crazy sometimes, but I have a good relationship with her.
Your longest drives will come when you feel you're swinging at 75 percent.
I have a certain curiosity for life that drives me and propels me forward.
If you look at who drives the box office numbers at these films, it's men.
Personally, I just want to be the best I can be, so that drives me enough.
I think we're going to have auxiliary hard drives to offload our memories.
I may be one of the last New Yorkers who actually drives in the city daily.
Science does not just drive space travel - space travel also drives science.
It starts with my family. That drives me every day, just seeing them smiling.
We have to be that wedge that drives the question and asks the hard questions.
What drives success, and the most successful students, is internal motivation.
I have a car that I like - an Aston Martin - for Sunday drives in the country.
I'm not influencing the youth in no bad way. I'm doing can drives at my shows.
I don't really write plots. I use history as the engine that drives everything.
What is the engine that drives economic growth in an ideopolis? The university.
I look for the consensus because the consensus drives the policy into new places.
It drives me crazy to throw something out. I find planned obsolescence revolting.
I have this lock of hair that keeps falling across my forehead. It drives me mad.
What I am interested in are the philosophies of the future. That's what drives me.
What drives me is to still feel creative and like I'm pushing myself as an artist.