I think NASCAR racing comes down... to going for those last-lap passes, making those risky moves. That's what makes drivers unique.

Truck drivers stop me and say, 'What is the poem for the day?' or 'Give me a poem for my girl.' I have one on almost every subject.

I'm very pro-science and pro-technology; I believe that these have been key drivers of progress in the world in the last centuries.

If I have sex, I know my quarterly estimated taxes must be due. And if it's oral sex, I know it's time to renew my driver's license.

Unwanted honking not only irritates others, but may also end up causing accidents. Drivers lose cool and it may result in road rage.

That's why teenagers fascinate me - they're like children with drivers' licenses. Like children in that their impulses are so direct.

For every cyclist who jumps a red light, a thousand drivers break speed limits or gape dangerously at their smartphones while driving.

The Daytona 500 is a career-winning race. It defines careers for drivers, crew members, crew chiefs and race teams. It has that power.

Autonomous driving provides a scenario where AI can deliver smart tools for assistance in decision-making and planning to human drivers.

My least favorite thing about New York is probably the traffic. I hate it. The people are such aggressive drivers here, they're horrible.

I've learned a tremendous amount. I've gained a lot of experience competing at the highest level with the best drivers in the world in F1.

I'm trying to build relationships with the drivers trying to figure out who is going to help, who is not going to help and who I can trust.

If I wanted to learn how to race a speed car, I'm not going to go and race with Formula One drivers. I'm going to go to a beginner's class.

We get paid based on where we are in the Constructors' Championship so therefore we want the fastest and best drivers we can get in the car.

I think it is really important to have two drivers who want to push the team in the right direction rather than fighting against one another.

Any time you stand in line at the D.M.V. and look around, you're like, Oh, my God, I wish all these people were replaced by computer drivers.

What we expect from our drivers, as team mates, is that they show respect for each other and allow one another enough room on the race track.

Some of the best navigators in the world are London taxi cab drivers. They have to learn 25,000 streets and how to get from one to the other.

I talk to everyone - Uber drivers, bartenders. On Twitter, people see me as some mean guy, but in real life, I am out there asking questions.

Usually when I talk with other drivers, it's about past races, what they did, tips for different tracks, especially others in the Ford family.

I've met some Evertonians in the street, and they've been friendly. I've had taxi drivers who have been Everton fans. They've been really nice.

There's so much rich interaction with drivers that we take for granted. It seems like a mundane thing, but it turns out to be a really big deal.

Too young,too young,she chanted to herself. Wrong,of course. I was older than her grandfather but according to my driver's license,she was right.

We have moved away from basic racing, where you see how the drivers fight with the cars to their physical limits and then make mistakes - or not.

Taxi drivers used to ask me what kind of music I did, and I'd say, 'Well, it's kind of jazz, soul, classical' - but that makes no sense to anyone.

The public probably knows that teen drivers are at greater risk for fatal accidents. What the public doesn't know is what we ought to do about it.

Dale Earnhardt was the best race car driver there will ever be in NASCAR. I would hope you don't expect me to replace him because nobody ever will.

The cars themselves are getting smarter and will be increasingly able to assist drivers - to the point where the cars will be completely automated.

I was looking at the history of the sport and I couldn't understand why there have been so many good South American drivers, especially Brazilians.

What's most revolutionary about Uber is not the tool that consumers use but the fact that the only equipment needed by its drivers is their iPhone.

I believe in a Republic of Merit in which water is allowed to find its own level, where voters, like drivers, are tested before being turned loose.

If police officers routinely issue tickets for the most serious traffic offenses, they'll be treating drivers of all races, sexes, and ages equally.

I get kids from all different cultures and nationalities coming up to me now, all wanting to be F1 drivers. They feel the sport is open to everyone.

Race drivers are fiercely competitive animals, and there is often a conflict between what is right for the team and what is right for the individual.

There are certain people who are supposed to be race car drivers, and I've got that. I've got that thing that makes me have to race. I have to do it.

Technology is one of the key drivers of female economic empowerment, but the fields that women choose to participate in are still decidedly gendered.

The fact that people are regarding me as the team leader doesn't change much. At the Sauber F1 team both drivers get the same equipment and treatment.

Sometimes I get recognised and sometimes I don't. The bus drivers will sometimes stop to try and get a selfie at peak times with traffic all around you!

I think I've lost that ability to slow things down - that ability drivers have to calculate what's coming by you at tremendous speed. I used to have it.

I love public transportation! Who wants to sit in a car and be angry at other drivers for eight hours? I'd rather sit on a bus or train and read a book.

On the dance floor, as much as you say, 'Ladies, you are the car. He is the driver. You can only go where he takes you,' they still try to be in control.

"Penn station", Ali said to the driver, slamming the door. Then she turned back to Hanna. "We ditch the bitches", she said. "And then we take them down".

The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion or ethnic background, is that we all believe we are above-average drivers.

Let's make it clear: it's Ferrari I'm interested in. Drivers, we've had a lot, some very good, some great, but drivers come and go, while Ferrari remains.

Drivers' work is outside the usual course of Uber's business, which is serving as a technology platform for several different types of digital marketplace.

I tell all the rookies that come into our series and all the young drivers they can come ask me anything at any time, and we'll give them the straight shoot.

I love race car drivers, I love gymnastics, I love UFC, I love police officers, I love firefighters. I just try to give them the same enjoyment they give me.

The most important impact on society and the world is the cell phone. Cell phones have actually been one of the primary drivers in productivity improvements.

I believe that we do our country a disservice when we make it harder for new American immigrants to abide by the rules of the road and obtain drivers licenses.

I think Formula One is extremely difficult, obviously, and it's the best drivers in the world so it's not easy to jump in and be on your top level immediately.

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