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If we want every car on the road to be a Lyft, we need to make it incredibly convenient for drivers.
Escape from the architecture ghetto is one of the major drivers and has been from the very beginning.
What we should be doing is responsibly addressing the primary drivers of our debt and deficit issues.
Small businesses are the economic drivers of our country, providing the stimulus our communities need.
Whenever I'm traveling, I see so many auto drivers spitting on the road, and it disgusts me to no end.
Cities are drivers of growth and wealth, and at the same time, cities are becoming increasingly violent.
Engaged, enthusiastic, and loyal employees are pivotal drivers of growth and health in any organization.
Car horns were invented to warn other drivers of your presence, not to express displeasure or greetings.
At the end of the day, concussions are best dealt with between the drivers and their personal physicians.
Our highways and our roads are underutilized because of the allowances we have to make for human drivers.
I knew I had arrived when taxi drivers would say, 'You're that twit on the Billy Cotton Show, aren't you?'
It is unnatural for drivers and team members to be sitting on their hands when we would usually be racing.
It's frustrating that you only have one or two, maybe three drivers that you can root for who are winning.
We must be part of the general staff at the inception, rather than the ambulance drivers at the bitter end.
But due to the present regulations the other drivers have better chances again. This brings back the tension.
Experience is invaluable. I can't express enough how much experience in this sport has helped me as a driver.
I have a lot of road rage. Mostly with the rickshaw and cab drivers trying to cut me; it's the traffic. Grrrr!
F1 is about the best drivers competing against each other for the best teams producing the best cars they can.
I have talked to stunt drivers all my life, 32 years of talking to stunt drivers. There's a craziness to them.
The act of littering annoys me more than anything, particularly drivers who throw stuff out of the car window.
California - with more cars, more drivers and more people - still has less DWI-related deaths than Texas does.
The drivers are regular people that come from all over the country. I think the sports fans can relate to them.
Until we know how many women own businesses, we may under-invest in them as entrepreneurs and economic drivers.
As racing drivers, you always have those moments that it gets a bit heated, but then you start from zero again.
Sure every driver has his value and you want to be respected... but again money is not something that drives me.
There are no team orders within Red Bull Racing, other than that the drivers should race each other with respect.
We all have the temptation to be backseat drivers when it comes to decisions that don't work out the way we want.
I love the sport, I love getting other drivers' helmets and collecting some of the things that are special to me.
It turns out that one of the biggest drivers of investors are both successful and non-successful startup founders.
I've been fined probably more than any driver, and I've probably paid it out of my own pocket more than any driver.
I was one of the many horses pulling the wagon and couldn't escape left or right because of the will of the driver.
Democrats should be getting high-fives from sanitation truck drivers - that is what should be happening in America.
In India, there are real consequences to inattention; drivers who jeopardize pedestrians can be lynched on the spot.
Well, I would say that music just happens with me, I'm not in the driver's seat when I am at the piano, the piano is.
Was I involved in selling drivers licenses to people illegally? Hell no I wasn't. Would I have tolerated it? Hell no.
I think people have this perception of the life that I lead, or that we lead, of drivers, the high life. It's not that.
At Linfox we have zero tolerance. If any alcohol or drugs are found in any drivers' blood, they are instantly dismissed.
Conflating thought experiments with reality could slow the deployment of AVs that are reliably safer than human drivers.
When two drivers curse each other on the road, and one of them happens to be a Jew, you can't define that as anti-Semitism.
Once, I took a taxi. I hate those limousines. They stink and their drivers have been driving dead people to the cemeteries.
When drivers are going at their best, trying their hardest, taking chances and doing amazing things, that's what fans love.
The worst drivers are women in people carriers, men in white vans and anyone in a baseball cap. That's just about everyone.
A team like McLaren doesn't want to keep changing drivers at a time when they're developing the car. They want consistency.
From the five years, 1968-73, if you were an F1 driver at that time, there was a very likely chance that you would have died.
Personally, I would go back to V12s, which make a tremendous noise, and have open cockpits and make the drivers heroes again.
Information technology has been one of the leading drivers of globalization, and it may also become one of its major victims.
As we drive down the freeways, we see the new cars, but not the massive new-car loans that enslave their drivers to the banks.
Everyone knows that my key drivers to moving health care policies is improving access and reducing costs and improving outcomes.
There's obviously a lot of drivers that are in F1 because they're one of the best drivers out there, so I can learn from everyone.
After the crash happened, I was so humiliated and embarrassed. I thought of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, that they must hate me.