What is better than to sit at the end of the day and drink wine with friends, or substitutes for friends?

I don't go to the doctor except when I'm very ill, and when I go to India, I drink a drop of local water.

I knew I couldn't solve it. Because I couldn't figure out what made her drink when things were going well.

If you were to offer a thirsty man all wisdom, you would not please him more than if you gave him a drink.

Never drink alone, that's what they say. But you know what? If you drink you will never be alone, alright?

As much as you can eat healthy, it's also important to remember to drink healthy too. Tea is very healing.

I drive a hybrid, moving into an electric car. I only drink tap water, never consume food that's travelled.

No married man is genuinely happy if he has to drink worse whisky than he used to drink when he was single.

Freedom is like drink. If you take any at all, you might as well take enough to make you happy for a while.

I don't drink anymore for Cinco de Mayo. I celebrate with Mexican food, or as it's known in Mexico: 'food.'

I eat as much as I ever did, I drink more than I should, and my sex life is none of your goddamned business.

One lawyer told me that he never drinks water or eats in front of the jury because they can't do either one.

You come there and hang out and have a drink before the show and eat, so it's not that brutal. It's only $6.

You don't drink and smoke that much, and womanize that much, unless you really want to be punished, I think.

I have two ambitions in life: one is to drink every pub dry, the other is to sleep with every woman on earth.

I dare not drink before a gig because I'll get tired and blow it. So I have to sit drinking tea in a caravan.

I asked my date what she wanted to drink. She said, 'Oh, I guess I'll have Champagne.' I said, 'Guess again.'

I usually have a drink before a carpet because I find them really nerve-racking. Usually a tequila. An upper!

Why is it, when I have nothing to do, I drink more coffee? It's as if I'm in a big hurry to get nothing done.

If drink sales are falling off, we get the pilots to engineer a bit of turbulence. That usually spikes sales.

Can't we kidnap Old Jethro, force him to help us, then vanquish him and the healer?" Bran choked on his drink.

I'm not sure how I'd survive without English Breakfast tea. Even in the Caribbean, I must drink 20 cups a day.

Wine is the drink of the gods, milk the drink of babes, tea the drink of women, and water the drink of beasts.

My doctor was like, 'Any questions?' And I was like, 'Yes! When can I drink please?!' I just want a margarita.

... there's nothing but quarreling with the women; it's my belief they like it better than victuals and drink.

I would love to have a drink with Meryl Streep or Prince. Those are my top two people I would love to talk to.

We are nowhere forbidden to laugh, or be satisfied with food...or to be delighted with music or to drink wine.

I don't drink coffee, so I have been known to have a Coca Cola on set at 6:30 A.M. in order to wake myself up.

I don't drink in public. I don't swear on TV. All I want is for people to say Chris Eubank is an all-right guy.

Though fanaticism drinks at many founts, its predisposing cause is mostly the subject of an invisible futurity.

I'm very, very family oriented. I'm a big cook and a good connoisseur and I only drink very good red wines now.

When you go out for drinks, tell people to bring in a news story that made them say "Oh my god." Talk about it.

There is another reason journalists like to drink and eat together: they simply cannot think of better company.

Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No, but I do it anyway because it’s sterile and I like the taste.

What? You’d dare drink right after getting out of jail for intoxication?” That’s when you need a drink the most.

I was in love with a beautiful blonde once. She drove me to drink. That's the one thing I'm indebted to her for.

You're so very good at that. The temper, the scowl. You must drink shots of testosterone in your morning coffee.

They have a few drinks, and maybe the prawn sandwiches, and they don't realise what's going on out on the pitch.

Relish the fresh landscape of my wound, break rushes and delicate rivulets, drink blood poured on honeyed thigh.

On tour, I don't drink, because I don't think in any other job you are supposed to get to work and drink whisky.

I refused to pair with a Tory MP, I refused all foreign junkets and I've never had a drink in a Westminster bar.

My business in life is to eat, drink, sleep, and die. Everything else is superfluity and I will have none of it.

Strategy is buying a bottle of fine wine when you take a lady out for dinner. Tactics is getting her to drink it.

A man who has drank his drinks cold at the same expense for one week can never be presented with them warm again.

New York was where we wanted to live when we were finally grown up, and drink martinis and stay out past bedtime.

When you're timid, you're just thinking of yourself! Think of the other person - put him at ease, get him a drink.

If the Negro is not careful he will drink in all the poison of modern civilization and die from the effects of it.

I don't think I'm a bigot or a racist. But I have a truck, a Blazer. I drink beer. There are some women I do hate.

I have a few friends who are models, but I know a lot of others as well. We usually go out for a drink or clubbing.

They say some of my stars drink whiskey, but I have found that ones who drink milkshakes don't win many ball games.

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