I don't drink coffee.

I don't even drink coffee.

I don't typically drink coffee.

I like naps. I don't drink coffee.

I don't drink coffee: it makes me cuckoo!

Never trust anyone who doesn't drink coffee.

I don't t drink coffee, but I'm a tea addict.

I don't drink coffee. I like nice wines with dinner.

I only drink coffee grown in high altitude rain forests.

I drink coffee. Without coffee, I probably couldn't write.

I don't drink coffee; I drink a lot of green tea and water.

I drink coffee a lot before my games. I take it with cream and sugar.

I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon.

I drink coffee 30 minutes before I want to nap. I think that really helps.

I don't even drink coffee. I try to avoid becoming reliant on any substance.

If I drink coffee, I have to turn the lights off and lay down. I can't handle it.

I don't drink coffee, but I do try to find a way to get some chocolate in every day.

If I had a free afternoon, I would play music, sit in my backyard, and drink coffee.

I know it sounds strange, but I'm one of those people who goes to a coffee shop to drink coffee.

I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't drink coffee. Starbucks is not going to make any money on me.

I drink coffee every day, either espresso or cortado, which is two shots espresso and steamed milk.

I wish I was a cool guy and could drink coffee black, but I put almond milk and raw cane sugar in it.

I don't drink coffee, so I have been known to have a Coca Cola on set at 6:30 A.M. in order to wake myself up.

I wear weird things sometimes. I like to drink coffee. Neither of those things have anything to do with who I am.

I never worked in a coffee shop and I don't drink coffee, so I never thought I would become a coffee pusher on TV.

I can't drink coffee because as per Ayurveda, I have a pitta body type. This means I am fire, and coffee means more fire.

I'm not a guy who needs to drink coffee or anything to get myself going in the morning. I wake up, and I'm full of energy.

I don't drink coffee. Weird, I know. But I try to stay away from caffeine. That said, we are investors in Blue Bottle, which is delicious!

An average day, I wake up, print my audition slides, study for my auditions, and make some matcha to start my day, because I don't drink coffee.

My mom can cook really good Cuban food, so we go eat there on the regular. And the Cuban coffee - you know how you drink coffee at a really young age.

I don't drink coffee. I've never had a cup of coffee in my entire life. That's something you probably don't know about me. I've hated the taste since I was a kid.

I drink coffee in the morning and a few cups throughout the day. Among coffee's health benefits are lower risk of Parkinson's, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and dementia.

In order to build a career and to be successful, one has to be determined. One has to be ambitious. I much prefer to drink coffee, listen to music, and to paint when I feel like it.

We talked about politics constantly in my family growing up in North Carolina. There were always debates. Being of Greek background, it's in our blood to drink coffee and talk politics.

So we have the story of who we are. I'm a man, and I'm a comedian, and I'm a tall man. I have big teeth and all these things, and I like the first two Batman movies, and I don't drink coffee, or whatever it is.

If I go anywhere, and I don't have my coffee, I don't drink coffee. When I travel, I carry it with me - and I ask hotels to grind it and brew it for me if I can't have it in my room myself. I'm dedicated that way.

I was seeing everything through pain. I would roll out of bed and do my exercises. I had to do that to work out the remainder of the pain pills. I would drink coffee and go to the set and plunge myself so far into my work.

There are those who love to get dirty and fix things. They drink coffee at dawn, beer after work. And those who stay clean, just appreciate things. At breakfast they have milk and juice at night. There are those who do both, they drink tea.

This is the kind of stuff me and my friends talk about. We sit around and drink coffee, and we're really angry: We're like, 'Where's the Latino Museum?' Where can we go with our families, where can we go with our friends to learn about our history?

We always get up about 5:30, and George gets up and goes in and gets the coffee and brings it to me, and that's been our ritual since we got married. And we read the newspapers in bed and drink coffee for about an hour probably, read our briefing papers.

In order to satirize adequately, I think you need to bring people down to Earth and be like, 'Yeah, these people drink coffee and have tummy troubles and they go to the bathroom like anybody else, and they all have relationship problems, if they even have relationships.'

I hear so many writers say - and these are writers that I trust completely - 'I just started hearing a voice', or, 'The characters came to life'. I am filled with loathing for my own characters when I hear that because they do nothing of the sort. Left to their own devices, they do nothing but drink coffee and complain about their lives.

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