I'm definitely not drawn to shooting on a stage, I'm just not.

I've always been more drawn to being normal than being famous.

I like characters who have faults. I'm drawn to darker people.

I don't know why I'm drawn to anti-heroes, but I certainly am.

I'm normally drawn to something I haven't done and seen before.

I think I was drawn to acting just as a way of getting noticed.

I'm drawn to interesting female characters and good storylines.

I make my own limits which are drawn according to my own taste.

Be drawn to the visual arts for it can expand your imagination.

No one is drawn to writing about being happy or feelings of joy.

I'm drawn to the psychology of really interesting, flawed people.

For the most part things never get built the way they were drawn.

As much as I love storytelling, I've always been drawn to talent.

As a reader since very early, I have found myself drawn to rants.

We are both drawn to surreal situations so the writing was a joy.

I was always drawn to more the social-expression-of-culture types.

Don't leave inferences to be drawn when evidence can be presented.

I've always been drawn to tormented people full of contradictions.

I think I've always been drawn to the notion of talk as cinematic.

I was always drawn to tough girls. I liked that domineering thing.

Discrimination must always be drawn out, like venom from the wound.

I don't think I really invented anybody. I have drawn on real life.

I adore Copenhagen, where I live, but I'm really drawn to New York.

Even when I was a kid - I was really young - I was drawn to comedy.

I've never been a girly-girl, never drawn to things that are fussy.

I have drawn a clear line between my personal and professional life.

The portrait of my parents is a complicated one, but lovingly drawn.

I'm drawn to dark characters, and to things that are really weighty.

Literature has drawn a funny perimeter that other art forms haven't.

I'm far more drawn to performances by strong women than I am to men.

I'm drawn to dramas that make people think. I want to make an impact.

I'm drawn to people rather than mediums - directors, writers, actors.

Comedians are not well people. Well people are not drawn to creating.

I'm always drawn to writing things that feel like uncharted territory.

As a hopeless romantic, I'm drawn to stories of improbable beginnings.

I've always been drawn to all sorts of genres and all sorts of voices.

I'm drawn to female characters; not all of them are strong characters.

I'm mostly drawn to narratives that are difficult for me to visualize.

I am drawn to Christ but I have real problems with the Catholic Church.

Some people are really drawn to technology and I liken them to artists.

My dad is not a sports guy but was drawn to the theatrics of wrestling.

I've always been drawn to the American style in the late '50s and '60s.

The tunes, rhythms, and messages are drawn mainly from secular culture.

I seem to be quite drawn to the medieval, magical fantasies, as it were.

I'm drawn to furniture design as complete architecture on a minor scale.

I've been simultaneously drawn to and repelled from Hollywood for years.

Clark Gregg is so cool. He's a pretty cool cat. People are drawn to him.

I was drawn to things I thought were either sexy or aggressive - or both.

I'm drawn to roles because they excite me intellectually and emotionally.

A line drawn with love can make us as vulnerable as what the line depicts.

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