In an action film you act in the action. If it's a dramatic film you act in the drama.

When you're young you have no worries, no drama, only your imagination. It's the best!

I'm open to do a Filipino drama if I like the role or if the plot is attractive to me.

Comedy is so hard; it's so much harder than drama. The pacing of it, the energy of it.

I've done a lot of drama in my career, but I'm actually more comfortable doing comedy.

I actually had a cockney accent before I went to drama school. It's softened up a bit.

Working at BBC, at the head of one of the top dramas, is a tradition for great actors.

Only the truth can set us free from the fear, the drama and the conflict of our lives.

Nothing would make me happier than doing nothing but drama for the foreseeable future.

Drama was always clogging up the phone line. It's like that's what people call me for.

Even at drama school if there was a part of some eastern European thug it would be me.

I'd love to venture into TV or do some gritty dramas - Guy Ritchie, that kind of thing.

Callin my ex-girl or e-mailin my mama, you're the only one that's causin me this drama.

I love female-driven drama, and those kinds of characters. I really love complex women.

Americans don’t want drama, especially good drama, they just want their boredom killed.

I try to bring the audience's own drama - tears and laughter they know about - to them.

It wasn't until I got involved in Doctor Who that I started doing dramas on television.

I know I have a face like a model, but I’m actually just a goofy drama nerd underneath.

I moved to New York to go to Julliard Drama School. Didn't sing a single note of music.

I enjoy both comedy and drama, and have had memorable experiences in both film and T.V.

A drama critic is a person who surprises the playwright by informing him what he meant.

Truth in drama is elusive. You never quite find it, but the search for it is compulsive.

I could have guessed it all along, cuz now some drama queen is gonna write a song for me

Drama read to oneself is never drama at its best, and is not even drama as it should be.

That's what I love about acting and love and drama and art: that humanness we all share.

A doctor is not a religious man. You should never give people vague hope or possibility.

Those years between drama school and getting onto the stand-up circuit were pretty lean.

Unless you're Jack Lemmon or Cary Grant, there are few guys who can do comedy and drama.

I guess you can tease me about being a drama queen, because that did heighten the drama.

That's the drama of our sport. Our margin of error is so small that anything can happen.

The missed call and call back drama between men and women deserves its own user mannual.

The best thing about serial drama - especially about screwball comedy - is blocked love.

I believe we owe our young an education that captures the exhilarating drama of science.

Comedy is not easy to begin with, but comedy that also dances with drama - it's so hard.

Drama read to oneself is never drama at its best, and is not even drama as it should be.

My next step must be to go to drama school. Well, I get into drama school, so I did that.

I just wanted them to die," said Poison. "They didn't have to make such a drama about it.

Laugh now, cry later: this is the karma. Hip-hop never died, it's just sick of the drama.

Comedies are often half-hour programs and then drama and action series are often an hour.

All those [events in history] were such dramas as we see now, only with different actors.

People who win awards for drama and for crying their eyes out for two hours... it's easy!

Drama and comedy, to me ,are all about being surprising, coherent, and true, all at once.

The beautiful thing about serialized drama is that the further you go, the deeper you go.

... life is a comedy far darker than drama. It just takes time to learn what to smile at.

There's no need for drama and hate, y'all. Let's love each other! We're all human, right?

The essence of drama is that man cannot walk away from the consequences of his own deeds.

All they teach you in drama school is how to do stage fights and be a pain in rehearsals.

I don't smoke, drink alcohol well, or play games. But I watch dramas. It is hard to quit.

Great drama is all about conflict, and what's a better conflict than Republican-Democrat?

Great drama is the souvenir of the adventure of a master among the pieces of his own soul.

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