I won the Wimbledon mixed doubles title in 1980.

I don't believe in having body doubles for a film.

I do not have body doubles like Saddam Hussein had.

Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success.

Never stop learning; knowledge doubles every fourteen months.

I'm a great believer in stunt doubles. They do an amazing job.

The aggressive betting on the daily doubles is one of my trademarks.

I don't like camera trickery and editing and doubles and all of that.

Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.

It doubles your perception, to write from the point of view of someone you're not.

What's going to make me happy is going on the court and holding up trophies, singles and doubles.

Algae is the perfect food plant. It doubles cell mass every twelve hours, depending on the strain.

The proudest thing I have ever done was to win the singles, doubles, and mixed doubles at Wimbledon.

The narration, in fact, doubles the drama with a commentary without which no mise en scene would be possible.

It pays to cultivate popularity. It doubles success possibilities, develops manhood, and builds up character.

If more people knew about it, followed the teams, they would really enjoy watching mixed doubles and doubles.

My son, Tony Vincent, is a stuntman. He doubles for Jim Caviezel on 'Person of Interest.' He works really hard.

I was eighth in the world in doubles, 67th in singles. Could I have achieved more? Yes, perhaps, but I did it my way.

If I'm going to act in someone's movie, I want the movie to be interesting and be able to get a couple of solid doubles.

When you're in a relationship with somebody who is also a public personality, then it doubles the attention from the media.

You have some singles that play doubles, but you have doubles players that can beat singles players when they're playing doubles.

For a nation, the choices that determine whether income doubles in one generation or two dwarf all other economic policy concerns.

Played tennis for years. But you can't improve at tennis after you're 50. You get to be in your 40s, and suddenly you're a doubles player.

I thought doubles was a good way for me to practice and get some reps in - I didn't like to train in the gym as much as players these days.

I have worked with Konkona in 'Mixed Doubles' and 'Traffic Signal' and one thing's clear - she is a fabulous actress and an excellent human being.

Even when I played, if they gave me the microphone after a match, whether a doubles final or a singles final, I'd handle the microphone pretty well.

Toy companies aren't interested in ideology, they want to sell toys. If they would sell a toy that both boys and girls would buy, it doubles profits.

The World Cup, as an event, carries a lot of pressure, irrespective of the number of caps you have earned, and the pressure doubles when you play at home.

Everyone is going to make bogeys and doubles and get bad breaks in bunkers. It's just kind of licking your wounds and taking what it gives you and move on.

Outside boxing, I did well in cross country competitions and I won a schoolboys' doubles badminton tournament at once. I was pleased because it was a hobby to me.

If I get a chance, high pick and roll more. I want some triple doubles. I've got to get my handle right so I can pass and get it to guys where they can make shots.

Marriage is the highest state of friendship. If happy, it lessens our cares by dividing them, at the same time that it doubles our pleasures by mutual participation.

If you lived the doubles, as I did, which was very stressful, you are sitting down in a chair experiencing a match without being able to hold a racquet in your hands.

Doubles is really exciting. I don't like even comparing it to singles. I get asked a lot of times which one I like better. I think they're two completely different games.

I mean, every single time I was there with Mahesh, I just tried to learn something of his game, because he's, you know, one of the best doubles players that's been around ever.

I remember hitting Sarah Michelle Gellar with a right hook during my first week on the job. It was awful. They usually pair actors with stunt doubles to avoid things like that.

Etiquette does not render you defenseless. If it did, even I wouldn't subscribe to it. But rudeness in retaliation for rudeness just doubles the amount of rudeness in the world.

The questions don't happen when you hit 30 homers, right? If you hit 30 home runs, you hit 40 doubles, I don't think anybody questions your conditioning or your offseason program.

For the poison of hatred seated near the heart doubles the burden for the one who suffers the disease; he is burdened with his own sorrow, and groans on seeing another's happiness.

As the Right doubles down on anti-anti-Trumpism, it will find itself goaded into defending and rationalizing ever more outrageous conduct just as long as it annoys CNN and the Left.

I love the physical roles. I have the utmost respect for stunt people and stunt doubles, but I like to do as much as I possibly can with what's become some pretty significant training.

I really enjoyed every minute of it. I mean, I've learned so much in the last week, I mean, just the way to play a real, real doubles. It was a great experience for me, and we had a lot of fun.

Doubles is exciting. Especially in the U.S. a lot of elite players play. They want to learn more about doubles, recreationally play and enjoy. When you see doubles live, you see how fast it is.

We had doubles for some of the stuff but a lot of it had to do with there's certain hours that you can dive and then you can't dive for another certain, like 12 hours just for the air and stuff.

For me, often, there's such a cloud of melancholia about knowing I'm going to have to leave my daughter on her own. I don't know what age that is going to be, thank God. It just doubles me up in grief.

I would say playing doubles is great for, you know, just in general. For the singles game, as well. You're able to work on returns, serves, aggressive playing. Also able to practice pressure situations.

I do doubles on Monday and Thursday, take Wednesday off or do easy cardio, do doubles on Thursday and Friday, and the weekend I just get outside and get active - jog or bike ride, or play tennis with my mom.

To me, mixed doubles is an undervalued tennis product. You have guys and girls playing on the same level, no handicaps. The guys aren't feeling bad for the girls. The girls pick on the guys. It's generally amazing tennis.

Before you decide to play with live straddles in your home game, remember that this twist essentially doubles the size of the game. It's often used by players who have been losing and are trying to get lucky and win a big pot.

Christopher Nolan's 'The Prestige' is an enthralling study of doubles, doubling and duplicity. Its twinned themes are obsession and the Secret: the Secret as objet-a, that which inspires, but which can never satisfy, obsession.

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