I'm a Christian, but I don't believe in religion or anything like that.

I don't believe in empirical science. I only believe in a priori truth.

I don't believe it's all for nothing. It's not just written in the sand.

Even an atheist finds God when they point at what they don't believe in.

If you don't believe in what you're selling, neither will your prospect.

Why is God making me suffer so much? Just because I don't believe in him?

We don't believe because we understand. We understand because we believe.

By nature, I am an experimentalist. I don't believe much in accomplishment.

Religion is the belief in future life and in God. I don't believe in either.

I don't believe in predestined fate. The future is what we choose to create.

How is it possible to hold such anger against something you don't believe in?

If you don't believe in the living dead, how do your explain the Golf Channel?

I don't believe in depriving myself of any food or being imprisoned by a diet.

I don't believe that you can put content into art. The content is in yourself.

I don't believe anybody can really grasp everything that's even in one textbook.

I don't believe in God, but the thing I do believe in is that we're all connected.

Believe what you like, but don't believe everything you read without questioning it.

No, I don't believe in the wasting of time, But I don't believe that I'm wasting mine

If you don't believe in same-sex marriage, then don't marry somebody of the same sex.

I don't believe necessarily the past is in the past. It's eternal, it's all around us.

For those who don't believe in themselves, hardwork is worthless." -Maito Gai (Naruto)

I don't believe there is a God. If I were to believe in a god, l would believe in gods.

Religion?" Mr Kumar grinned broadly. "I don't believe in religion. Religion is darkness.

I'd love to have a hit record. I don't believe anyone that says they wouldn't like that.

It's always good to do something that is not a repeat. I just don't believe in repeating.

When you don't believe in anything except not dying, you don't really believe in anything.

I don’t believe in following a path set by others. You have to create a path for yourself.

Don’t believe in the fate society chose for you. Instead, carve out a new fate for yourself.

No one gets to the top, if they sit on the sidelines, or if they don't believe in themselves.

America believes in freedom. The English don't believe in it. They don't believe in happiness.

Imagine the marvels we would experience if we believed in the things in which we don't believe.

I don't believe in anything, only in myself, but I respect all people who believe in something.

I have always stayed out of politics, I don't believe it would be appropriate to talk about it.

Actually, I have to say that I don't believe in having a sexual realtionship outside of marriage.

The only limitations are the ones we put on ourselves and I just don't believe in limiting myself.

I simply don't believe in failure. In itself, it doesn't exist. We create it. We make ourselves fail.

I can never give a 'yes' or a 'no.' I don't believe everything in life can be settled by a monosyllable.

Don't believe everything you hear, don't believe everything you read and only believe half of what you see

I don't say that I don't believe in God because that implies that there is a God for me not to believe in.

I guess I don't believe these things can ever be easy, although I also don't see why they have to be hard.

Don't believe a thing unless you hear from me directly because there's a lot of bad info going on out there.

I don't believe in about 2700 Gods. Christians don't believe in 2699 Gods. They're nearly as atheistic as me.

I don't know much, But when push comes to shove, I definitely don't believe, There's such a thing as wrong love.

Describe the God you've rejected. Describe the God you don't believe in. Maybe I don't believe in that God either.

You can say, "I don't believe in anything," but you do because you believe in nothing. That is your belief system.

I don't believe that there is anyone of faith whose faith would not be strengthened by those experiences of family.

You see, I don't believe in that grabbin' and grabbin' and stuffin yourself and not givin' anythin' or puttin' it back.

The difference between those who do and those who don't is that those who don't believe it when they are told they can't.

The public doesn't believe [press] anymore. Maybe I had something to do with that, I don't know. But they don't believe you.

I don't do a lot of collaborations that I don't believe in. Actually, I don't do any collaborations that I don't believe in.

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