Parenthetically, I have to say, I don't particularly like dolls, nor have I ever liked them.

I got my Equity card from an audition out of Backstage. We did 'Guys and Dolls' and 'Kismet.'

I was the kind of girl who'd peep through her bedroom keyhole to check if her dolls were moving.

Keep thinking. You can hear our brains rattling around inside us, like the littler Russian dolls.

If sex were all, then every trembling hand Could make us squeak, like dolls, the wished-for words.

When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and diaper bags, and play with my sisters.

Dancing is another way to communicate. That's what separates The Pussycat Dolls from other groups.

I'm not a guy's guy. I always loved girl things. I loved dolls. I loved dressing up and much more.

I knew I wanted to have a doll of myself on the cover. I thought, I wanna see myself as a Ken doll.

I never had a chance to play with dolls like other kids. I started working when I was six years old.

I inhabit the wax image of myself, a doll's body. Sickness begins here; I am a dartboard for witches.

I'd never been turned on by the Ken doll—even before I looked down his pants and saw what was missing.

In most of my stories, I give a lot of importance to heroines. My heroines are not just glamour dolls.

I used to perform with the Pussycat Dolls before Nicole Scherzinger, before they were a musical group.

And what did you do last night, Dexter? Oh, I played with my dolls while a friend chopped up my sister.

We like that when girls look at us, they don't see perfect little blond-haired, blue-eyed Barbie dolls.

I used to love playing paper dolls with my mother - she would cut them out and I would dress the dolls.

There's now a Fat Tony doll, which cracks me up. But you feel honored that they asked you to do a voice.

We are all just little dolls of ourselves. Who occasionally pull back the curtains to reveal the real us.

At six I lived in a graveyard full of dolls, avoiding myself, my body, the suspect in its grotesque house.

My regular life today is reading books, making dolls houses, sewing dolls with my daughter and barbequing.

When I was young, if a girl married poverty, she bcame a drudge; if she married wealth, she became a doll.

I had a huge interior world as a kid: I'd sit on endless wet holidays in Cornwall playing with paper dolls.

When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and stuffed animals, pretend like they're real dogs.

Open your heart. Someone will come. Someone will come for you. But first you must open your heart. (Old Doll)

Women love to be asked more about their clothes than their work. We're dolls; we made a wish to become alive.

When I'm older, I'd like to play one of Tennessee Williams's women and an older Adelaide in 'Guys and Dolls.'

When I was in the Pussycat Dolls, I did study jazz and pop, but Latin and ballroom were not at all in my world.

Yes, we started out as the Sex Maggots, then became the Goo Goo Dolls, well, and we're still the Goo Goo Dolls!

I was crawling out of the bedroom window with my older sister when I should have still been playing with dolls.

The row of dolls watched her impassively from the bookshelf, their tea party propriety almost certainly offended.

I do myself up kind of like a doll. I have a doll collection and I look at their outfits and kind of imitate them.

By constantly keep one's attention on the Source, the ego is dissolved in that Source like a salt-doll in the sea.

Every once in a while, I find something that I'm interested in just because of the singing, like the Goo Goo Dolls.

I am not a very rough and tough kind of a girl, rather a little sensitive. I believe in unicorns, dreams and dolls.

How do I transform and be believable as Krogstad in "A Doll's House" or Sir Peter Teazle in "A School for Scandal".

She began to feel like the plastic doll she had been named after, without even a hole where her mouth was supposed to be.

Maybe they’re customers. (Simone) For a doll store? Yes, I can just see them now…I’ll take the frilly pink baby doll. (Liza)

I saw that it was all over, put away in a box like a doll no longer cared for, the magical intimacy of our childhood together

There used to be Engelbert dolls with sideburns. Now they sell Elvis dolls with the sideburns, but I don't begrudge him that.

I used to make clothes for my sister's dolls. I couldn't care less for the dolls, but I could make the clothes really easily.

I will refine somebody in a minor way, but I don't want to totally change them. I don't want them to look like plastic dolls.

'Poltergeist' was really the film that really scarred, but fascinated, me with puppets and dolls, clowns and stuff like that.

During my time in the Dolls, I was told that I shouldn't sing, that I wasn't allowed, and I suppose that had an impact on me.

The devil comes and soon my subconscious and conscious might start to brawl. As this cunning demon takes me as its voodoo doll.

When I was a little girl, rocking my little dolls, I remember thinking I would be the world's best mom, and so far I've done it.

Shaq is Shaq. I did an episode of The Soup with Shaq, and he shook my hand, and I felt like I was a Ken doll, like I had no hand.

The Dolls were the forefathers of glam. You never knew if they were going to kiss you or punch you. More than likely, they'd do both.

All men are just accumulations dolls stuffed with sawdust swept up from the trash heaps where all previous dolls had been thrown away.

I never liked dolls or played house. I read and wrote, climbed trees, collected rocks, rode my bike, and befriended boys, platonically.

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