From time to time, an excessively strong dollar may have negative short-term implications on the economy.

It's more important to fly midpoint in deals and work together than to try to haggle for the last dollar.

'Chip Away' is somewhat of a rail against cable news and divisive agendas... all for the almighty dollar.

Based on census data from 2019, black women are only paid 61 cents to every dollar that a white man makes.

For every dollar we have given to athletics, we have given about 27 to higher education or medical research.

Today, the rich bottom land of the Misssissippi is under water and no foreign land has sent a dollar to help.

If you're totally illiterate and living on one dollar a day, the benefits of globalization never come to you.

I should have known growing up and not having any money ever that I should have kept every dollar that I had.

The uncontrolled increase of the euro rate vis-a-vis the dollar threatens employment growth in the euro area.

The dollar went up some eighty percent in real terms as I recall now or something like that - from '80 to '85.

Kristin Brown looks as though she could have been mailed first-class to New York for about a dollar and a half.

Only in 1999 and 1984 have we seen a persistently strong dollar and strong risk appetite harmoniously co-exist.

I don't think I have to combat Airbnb. It is like comparing Tiffany to a shop that sells things for one dollar.

Unless you're getting a dollar slice, there's no real money difference between a chain and your local pizzeria.

America is the country where you can buy a lifetime supply of aspirin For one dollar and use it up in two weeks.

What do you think, that a dollar in a savings account is freedom? Maybe you have understood nothing I have said.

Despite offering dollar menus and frequent discounts, many of these chains also scored poorly in terms of value.

For every dollar you give away, you'll get a hundred back. And for every buck you steal, you'll lose a thousand.

Audiences can be leery of sequels; the studios make a hit, they see dollar signs, and they make a cheap rip-off.

So many directors are solely focused on their own success in Hollywood and multimillion dollar budgets and deals.

Well, everybody used to joke that I saved the first dollar that I ever made in Van Halen. I probably did somewhere.

If I had a dollar for every guy that came up to me to say, 'I'm not a scrub,' oh my God, I'd have a billion dollars.

I think a strong dollar is the result of policies, but I don't think the strong dollar is in and of itself a policy.

The yuan is actually a very attractive currency and will prove to be very reliable-much more so than the U.S. dollar.

Watching your daughter being collected by her date feels like handing over a million dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla.

Dollar bills have absolutely no value except in our collective imagination, but everybody believes in the dollar bill.

Two things are as big as the man who possesses them - neither bigger nor smaller. One is a minute, the other a dollar.

Whenever he saw a dollar in another man's hands he took it as a personal grudge, if he couldn't take it any other way.

If I make a dollar and out of every dollar I'm taxed at 50, half, at 50 cents, I have to give, isn't that like enough?

The film is not a success until it makes money. It's only good when there's a dollar figure attached to the box office.

The way to build billion dollar companies is to first build something people love. There isn't really a shortcut there.

How is it even sustainable in 21st-century America that women earn, on average, 77 cents for every dollar earned by men?

Most of us working on poverty alleviation simply want to know, 'How much poverty can I reduce for every dollar I donate?'

I won a lot of money in UFC. I earned that money. The money wasn't given to me as a present. I earned every dollar of it.

'Million Dollar Arm' touches on many of the Safe At Home Foundation's core values, such as children, teamwork and family.

There are so many businesses that are succeeding on Yelp that don't pay us a dollar, and we're really excited about that.

When the dollar goes down relative to other currencies, the price of wheat, corn, rice and oil all go up in dollar terms.

Whether you're making a million dollar film or a $100 million film there is never enough money, there's never enough time.

You know, I'm not making top dollar, but when you're making top dollar, there are a lot of people waiting for you to fall.

China became the second biggest economy in the world by pegging their currency to the dollar at an artificially cheap rate.

Anybody can make a thousand dollar garment because you find the finest fabric and the finest mills, and you churn that out.

I'm a huge fan of 'The Six Million Dollar Man' and I love the episodes where they would cross over with 'The Bionic Woman.'

Every man should make up his own mind that if he expect to succeed, he must give an honest return for the other man's dollar.

The fact that women are paid 73 cents on the dollar for work equivalent to work being done by men is unacceptable in America.

The dollar used to be a gold standard currency. And the dollar is really good in the last century, I mean in the 19th century.

Frankly, whatever assistance people get from FEMA will not have a lot of extras built into it, so they will need every dollar.

I wanted to be the Six Million Dollar Man as a child. I learned how to raise each eyebrow independently, just like Lee Majors.

I don't mean to be cocky, but if I'm never on TV again, if I never make another dollar, I am proud. I did what I wanted to do.

We just love shopping. I don't look at the brand; I don't look at the most pricey outfit. Even if it's a dollar, I don't care.

I grew up very poor, so I learned how to stretch a dollar. It's nice to combine high-end with low-end or whatever-end you want.

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