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Everyone has obstacles, and you're not going to have the right answer or do the right thing every single time.
Yes, America must do the right thing, but to provide moral leadership, America must do it in the right way, too.
We have to learn that not everyone deserves our tears. You have to do the right thing even if someone mocks you.
We can't just say the right thing on lowering the cost of prescription drugs: we have to do the right thing, too.
Once your back's up against the wall and you've been beat down, you start looking at trying to do the right thing.
I want the Latino 'Do the Right Thing' to happen. I want filmmakers whose voices are not represented to get a shot.
Usually for the last play, everyone goes helter-skelter. They go to the wrong spots. They don't do the right thing.
When I came into office, I could have kicked the can down the road for a little while, or I could do the right thing.
American people are not evil. Given information, they will do the right thing. But they're not given the information.
If you believe that people are basically good, and you remove obstacles, then they'll do the right thing by each other.
The toughest thing to do in politics is to do the right thing when your supporters think the right thing is something else.
You do the right thing even if it makes you feel bad. The purpose of life is not to be happy but to be worthy of happiness.
If people are informed they will do the right thing. It's when they are not informed that they become hostages to prejudice.
And I think it's true of any big organization... Bureaucracies and organizations make it hard to do the right thing sometimes.
I love Bill Belichick. He is a great coach, great man - raising men to do the right thing and win championships in this league.
If you just make every effort to do the right thing, you'll come out ok. It comes down to priorities and making good decisions.
I have two little black boys. And a film like 'Do the Right Thing' can help illuminate the times for them with great storytelling.
I don't feel any pressure at all to go along with anybody. I feel pressure to do the right thing for U.S. markets and U.S. investors.
We all want to do the right thing for our children. We all don't know what that is and we all - you know, you won't know until the future.
We live in a world where everyone thinks they do the right thing, so they are entitled to do the wrong thing. So ends can justify the means.
My theory is children don't do what you tell them to do, they do what you do. You have to always do the right thing because they follow you.
In order to do the right thing and to provide the right long-term view for the city, it might mean you're only in politics for a little while.
I try to do the right thing at the right time. They may just be little things, but usually they make the difference between winning and losing.
My girlfriend Rhonda, who's now my wife, I graduated from high school, she got pregnant. My grandfather said, 'You've got to do the right thing.'
With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.
In life, try your best to do the right thing. Have fun while you're alive. Take advantage of every asset you have. Don't take anything for granted.
As an actor, you're trained to do the right thing, be politically correct, say your lines, say the right thing about the people you're working with.
I deeply believe in many Christian values: love people; do the right thing; know that there's good in everyone, that God's looking out for all of us.
We've shown a willingness to do the right thing, and we've shown a willingness to work in a bipartisan fashion. The problems are on the Republican side.
It is mind-blowing to pause and think that a film as forward-facing and potent as 'Do the Right Thing' was released the same year as 'Driving Ms. Daisy.'
Well, everybody's human, and you're not going to do the right thing perfectly every time. But you mess up and you learn from it and you go on from there.
Nothing guarantees a championship. Nothing. Not having the best players, not practicing the most. Your best chance is if you do the right thing every day.
A business of high principle generates greater drive and effectiveness because people know that they can do the right thing decisively and with confidence.
It is a sort of great Victorian truth that actually, trying to do the right thing is pretty good for you and pretty good for business as well, by and large.
You can stay true to yourself and your friends, you can do the right thing, you can do with your life whatever you want to. I think that's a lovely message.
Don't overplan your life. Joining Google when I was four months pregnant was a bit of a leap, but sometimes you have to do the right thing for you right now.
I've never really focused on my ranking per se because it's out of my control. I try and do the right thing each week, and the ranking will look after itself.
Allah's the Arabic term for God. Stand up for God, fight for God, work for God and do the right thing, and go the right way, things will end up in your corner.
I try to do the right thing with money. Save a dollar here and there, clip some coupons. Buy ten gold chains instead of 20. Four summer homes instead of eight.
History shows that there is no more potent engine for reform than the passion of voters who feel betrayed by the politicians they hoped would do the right thing.
The secret to adulthood is that 99% of the time, you actually know the right thing to do. Adults make it hard when they are deciding whether to do the right thing.
Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.
Your personal integrity, once established and earned, people don't have to think about it. They know. They know you. They know you'll do the right thing every time.
I believe that in life, you have to give things your best shot, do your best. You have to focus on what needs to be done, do the right thing, not the popular thing.
It is about the American people. When something is not ready, it is not working, it is not right, then we owe it to them to do the right thing and say, 'Let's hold.'
I may have hurt some people along the way, but I would like to be seen as somebody who has done his best to do the right thing for any situation and not compromised.
Well, I'm still looking for Maurice Ashley. My essential qualities. I think that more than anything, I try to do the right thing, I think about doing the right thing.
Keep a good attitude and do the right thing even when it's hard. When you do that you are passing the test. And God promises you your marked moments are on their way.
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up.
When I went back to Shea last year it really hit me how much the fans care for me, it still gives me goose bumps. I want to do the right thing for them and my family.