My values are in my DNA and were shaped by my environment.

DNA is a 'thing' - a chemical that sticks to your fingers.

DNA is like Midas's gold, everyone who touches it goes mad.

Really, creation and innovation are part of the French DNA.

Laws are the DNA of government. They must evolve with time.

It's in the DNA of Liverpool Football Club to win trophies.

We're Real Madrid - and being successful is part of our DNA.

I don't think my insomnia is fixable: I think it's in my DNA.

Safety is not a retrofit; it's been in our DNA since day one.

I am a newcomer. I want to remain a newcomer. That is my DNA.

I'm not ambitious, I never have been; it's just not in my DNA.

DNA was my only gold rush. I regarded DNA as worth a gold rush.

I never studied business. It's either in your DNA, or it isn't.

This is what you get, Maura, for using your DNA to make a baby.

The DNA of a true Hindu is liberal. We are, by essence, liberal.

Giving youth a chance is part of our philosophy, part of our DNA.

I think the culture and DNA of our organization is to take risks.

It's in the DNA of Scientology that they don't trust journalists.

I don't like to take a lot of time off. It's really not in my DNA.

Horses are in our DNA. We used them way before cars for commuting.

Scientists need to invent a way to make DNA work like in cartoons.

I'm an American playwright. Tennessee Williams got in all our DNA.

Thinkers, makers and traders are the DNA of the world class company

Your organization can start tweeting, but that wont change its DNA.

My dog's name is Tucker, and his DNA is unidentifiable and suspect.

It is in Toyota's DNA that mistakes made once will not be repeated.

DNA neither cares nor knows. DNA just is. And we dance to its music.

Fighter pilots and special operations forces guys have the same DNA.

The greatest history book ever written is the one hidden in our DNA.

You have the same DNA as the greats of the past who started revivals.

I know Barca have their own style and DNA but I think I can play here.

I was raised by strong women, and that DNA is in my daughter and wife.

There are enzymes called restriction enzymes that actually digest DNA.

I've always belonged to the street, and I always will. It's in my DNA.

You and I share the same DNA. Is there anything more lonely than that?

Each company is different because they get their DNA from the founders.

The mentality of always wanting to win everything is in FC Bayern's DNA.

It's in your DNA to be a Filipino; how can you just turn your back on it?

I'm a shy person. I don't know if it's in my DNA to share with the world.

I do not want to die being known for doing baby mama DNA tests on my show.

I think there's a lot that we remember almost chemically, through our DNA.

I grew up in Michigan, in the Detroit area, so cars are sort of in my DNA.

DNA has been aptly described as the first three-dimensional Xerox machine.

Colombian culture has a lot of music - it's in our blood; it's in our DNA.

I come from an Irish Catholic family, and hell-raising is part of the DNA.

Genes are biochemical recipes written in a four-letter alphabet called DNA.

Accelerating, dribbling, and creating opportunities are the DNA of my game.

It's a part of my DNA that I've never really taken time to revel in success.

Joseph Mandell and I began by attempting to make chromatography of DNA work.

Every now and then, you find a book that feels like it was keyed to your DNA.

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