The lines marking a penalty area are a disgrace to the playing fields of a public school.

The nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master and deserves one.

There is no disgrace in working. There was no silver spoon around at the time I was born.

There is no disgrace in an enemy suffering ill at an enemy's hand, when you hate mutually.

If you do the best you can, you have nothing to be ashamed of. A defeat is not a disgrace.

It is more of a disgrace to be robbed of what one has than to fail in some new undertaking.

It isn't a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for.

I hope there's a tinge of disgrace about me. Hopefully, there's one good scandal left in me yet.

Your name is the most important thing you own. Don't ever do anything to disgrace or cheapen it.

Disgraces are like cherries, one drawes another. [Disgraces are like cherries, one draws another.]

At Munich we sold the Czechs for a few months grace, but the disgrace will last as long as history.

The fossil fuel industry has been a particular disgrace, polluting our politics as well as our planet.

Whatever disgrace we may have deserved, it is almost always in our power to re-establish our character.

I think it's a disgrace that we're allowing extreme voices in this country to erase our proud heritage.

One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don't go into government.

I think it's a disgrace that some would allow extreme voices in this country to erase our proud heritage.

It's no disgrace to play against the world's champions and lose by one service break in the last two sets.

Whatever ignominy or disgrace we have incurred, it is almost always in our power to reestablish our reputation.

My character and good name are in my own keeping. Life with disgrace is dreadful. A glorious death is to be envied.

It is no small misfortune and disgrace that, through our own fault, we neither understand our nature nor our origin.

It is no small misfortune and disgrace that, through our own fault, we neither understand our nature nor our origin.

A belligerent state permits itself every such misdeed, every such act of violence, as would disgrace the individual.

As a country, we can't teach kids how to read and write when we got 18 years to do it. And that's - that's a disgrace.

I beg my Children to be just and virtuous, never to disgrace my name or theirs, and then they are out of fortune's power.

I'm kind of proud of myself. I've been able to keep a certain grace about me, even in the times of disgrace and craziness.

He is senseless who would match himself against a stronger man; for he is deprived of victory and adds suffering to disgrace.

Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.

The Canadians have managed to live peacefully with their Indians. It is disgrace that the United States has not done the same.

No matter what cause one defends, it will suffer permanent disgrace if one resorts to blind attacks on crowds of innocent people.

To him who disgraces his family life is no life, and to such a person there is no one a friend, neither while living nor when dead.

How does it become a man to behave towards the American government today? I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.

That DMC Act is a disgrace. And the problem with independent art in this country is that independent artists have been economically blacklisted.

I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a congress.

Is it no imputation to be arraigned before this House, in which I have sat forty years, and to have my name transmitted to posterity with disgrace and infamy?

I learned from Linus Pauling it's not a disgrace in science to publish something that's wrong. What's bad is to publish something that's not very interesting.

I remember my uncle and my father telling me that my mother didn't want me because I was blind. She thought being blind was a disgrace and a punishment from God.

Rather than allow themselves to be separated from the love of Christ, they submitted cheerfully to every privation, to contumely and disgrace, and to death itself.

Performers like to perform, and there's certainly no disgrace in entertaining people, in giving pleasure, you hope, through your singing. My work defines who I am.

It is better to die than to preserve this life by incurring disgrace. The loss of life causes but a moment's grief, but disgrace brings grief every day of one's life.

A man who prides himself on being better than his fellow-men thinks it a disgrace if he does not do something more than they do, whereby his superiority may be apparent.

When people told me that 'Polladhavan' was a remake of 'Bicycle Thieves,' I wanted to laugh because comparing 'Polladhavan' to 'Bicycle Thieves' is a disgrace to the latter.

Same sex marriage is a disgrace to the nation and to God. When I was growing up, ‘ungqingili’ [homosexuals in isiZulu] could not stand in front of me, I would knock him out.

It is no disgrace not to be able to do everything; but to undertake, or pretend to do, what you are not made for, is not only shameful, but extremely troublesome and vexatious.

Iran's continued, widespread persecution of ethnic minorities, human rights defenders and political prisoners is a disgrace and stands as a shameful indictment of Iran's leaders.

I was raised with the idea of maximum effort: as long as you could look in the mirror and say, 'I gave it everything I had,' it was OK. But if you gave it less, that would disgrace you.

Patricia Nixon gave up a career to become a political wife. She rose to the pinnacle of glory and then fell to disgrace because of deeds over which she had neither control nor knowledge.

It is a disgrace. I think darts should be at the Olympics. Obviously you'd have to cut out the drinking side of the game. But apart from that there's no reason why it shouldn't be there.

Altogether apart from that, it would be a disgrace to us to make this bargain with Germany at the expense of France, a disgrace from which the good name of this country would never recover.

I have suffered my self to be politically sacrificed to save my country from ruin and disgrace and if I am never a gain elected I will have the gratification to know that I have done my duty.

The Veterans Administration is a scandal. It's corrupt, and what's going on is a disgrace. And, believe me, if I win, if I become president, that will end. The veterans will be treated properly.

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