Let thy discontents be thy secrets

Now is the winter of our discontent.

Discontent is the catalyst for change.

What is more miserable than discontent?

Poor in abundance, famish'd at a feast.

The best things beyond their measure cloy.

literature is the record of our discontent.

There is no greater disaster than discontent.

Dismantling the architecture of my discontent

Healthy discontent is the prelude to progress.

Discontent is the first necessity of progress.

The greatest weariness comes from work not done.

Frequent discontent must proceed from frequent hardships.

I am a retiring, silent, unsociable, and discontent person.

Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor.

Mankind has only one science… its the science of discontent.

The thirst to know and understand a large and liberal discontent.

Civilization creates discontents; barbarism creates quick endings.

The thirst to know and understand, a large and liberal discontent.

You can be still and still moving. Content even in your discontent.

Woman's discontent increases in exact proportion to her development.

He that is discontented in one place will seldom be happy in another.

One whisper, added to a thousand others, becomes a roar of discontent

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent.

Discontent arises from a knowledge of the possible, as contrasted with the actual.

We dishonor God if we proclaim a Savior who satisfies and then go around discontent

A fuel of discontent and anxiety is probably pretty central to the fuel at 'Scandal!'

Men are suspicious; prone to discontent: Subjects still loathe the present Government.

Everything becomes so problematic because of basic faults: from a discontent with myself.

There are many ways of showing your protest and discontent without the actions of Kremlin.

The discontent that lies in the human condition is not satisfied simply by material things.

Never be discontent with the life you've been dealt, be discontent with the way you're living it.

Jihadist organizations attempt to exploit discontent among marginalized groups in unstable societies.

Let us not be so naive as to think that revolution is just a matter of social or economic discontent.

The number is less than that of 2004, but major fatal accidents have aroused considerable public discontent.

it is only through a wholesome discontent with things as they are, that we ever try to make them any better.

All writers are discontent. That's because they're aware of a potential and believe they're not reaching it.

I was comfortable in all, I admit, but at the same time, nothing satisfied me. Each joy made me seek another.

I always feel discontent, like there's somewhere else to go, somewhere else to be. I'm a very ambitious person.

I used to think I had ambition... but now I'm not so sure. It may have been only discontent. They're easily confused.

The splendid discontent of God With chaos made the world. And from the discontent of man The worlds best progress springs.

he who seeks pleasure with reference to himself, not others, will ever find that pleasure is only another name for discontent.

Discontent, blaming, complaining, self-pity cannot serve as a foundation for a good future, no matter how much effort you make.

For years, successive Arab dictators have tried to keep discontent at bay by distracting people with the Israeli-Arab conflict.

The poet complains or points out the discontent that lies at the heart of man, the individual man, and how can that be redeemed?

Resolved, that the women of this nation in 1876, have greater cause for discontent, rebellion and revolution than the men of 1776.

90% of the divorces are initiated by women. That is really odd. Why? What's going on? What's the great discontent at the heart of it?

The essence of man is, discontent, divine discontent; a sort of love without a beloved, the ache we feel in a member we no longer have.

The sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.

When the soul is understood and attended to, we can be liberated from hurry, preoccupation, unsatisfied desires, and chronic discontent.

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