Excellence requires discomfort.

Out of discomfort comes greatness.

I have a high tolerance for discomfort.

I pick up on other people's discomfort.

The only thing I can't stand is discomfort.

Discomfort is very much part of my master plan.

I want to go home at night and feel discomfort.

Joy was more than just an absence of discomfort.

Discomfort is always a necessary part of enlightenment.

Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort.

To me, discomfort is a gift in the films that I'm making.

All discomfort comes from suppressing your true identity.

I'm always nudging myself into discomfort zones as much as I can.

Motivation begins with discomfort- with needs that are unfulfilled.

I like to challenge the audience. I want people to feel discomfort.

Be comfortable in your own skin. Comfort and discomfort are contagious.

We need to be willing to be comfortable with discomfort in order to grow.

Chasing meaning is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort.

In Guinea I could read [Franz] Kafka. I re-discover in him my own discomfort.

It is not always worth the discomforts of major surgery to get minor recovery.

Too often we... enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

She had a brainy girls discomfort about her own beauty and its effects on folks.

Discomfort is the way to go if you want to make something you feel is worthwhile.

Growth is uncomfortable; you have to embrace the discomfort if you want to expand.

Realistically, I shouldn't be able to turn a doorknob without having some discomfort.

The essence of our whole path is in that place of discomfort, and what do we do with it?

I occasionally experience the discomfort of people assuming my work is autobiographical.

Whenever you're feeling moments of discomfort, that means true change is happening for you.

Sometimes comfort zones are the best. Sometimes discomfort is just what the doctor ordered.

I have learned that the fear and discomfort around there not being enough money is internal.

If you're never able to tolerate a little bit of pain and discomfort, you'll never get better.

After every single take, I laugh. It's my own awkwardness and discomfort about being an actor.

I've always been drawn to discomfort and that limbo of unease you get between comedy and tragedy.

A crown is more discomfort than adornment. If you have learned that, you have already learned much.

Every time I do a project, it always comes with a level of discomfort and not knowing how to do it.

I am constantly on the move, and if I experience foot discomfort, it makes my job really hard to do.

I think art comes from some sense of discomfort with the world, some sense of not quite fitting with it.

There's more discomfort being an old soul or a person who questions a lot of things. I'm young, but I'm old.

The Internet has become my enabler. It keeps me from stillness and discomfort, and this keeps me from growing.

I like books that don't give you an easy ride. I like the feeling of discomfort. The sense of being implicated.

Discomfort isn't grounds for discrimination. We have a big country with a lot of different kinds of people in it.

The main discomfort in being a middle-of-the-roader is that you get sideswiped by partisans going in both directions.

The more you practice tolerating discomfort, the more confidence you'll gain in your ability to accept new challenges.

The central question of a warrior's training is not how we avoid uncertainty and fear but how we relate to discomfort.

One marvels why the middle classes still insist on so much discomfort for their children at such expense to themselves.

The British love of queuing and discomfort and being bossed around seems to have found a new outlet in the pop festival.

It's not refreshing where there is confusion or any kind of discomfort in a group that has to work that closely together.

In general, Barack Hussein Obama brings us face to face with the discomfort our society feels with this idea of difference.

Without hurting anybody, we all tend to laugh at others' discomfort. When someone slips on a banana skin and falls it's funny.

In football, I learned about trust, handling failure, embracing discomfort, and rejection, which has helped with the auditions.

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