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The renunciation of doing harm is the perfection of discipline
A man without decision can never be said to belong to himself.
Discipline is not a light switch. Discipline is a way of life.
Discipline is money in the bank. A real friend, true strength.
Let's discipline ourselves so that our words are few and full.
God's loving discipline brings us face-to-face with our pride.
If we do not discipline ourselves the world will do it for us.
Discipline and concentration are a matter of being interested.
Discipline and consistency is what's expected out of a player.
My childhood was all about discipline, hard work and training.
I learned to discipline myself to do things I didn't want to do
If thou wouldn't conquer thy weakness thou must not gratify it.
There can be no true discipline without love...only compliance.
Work organizes life. It gives structure and discipline to life.
Military discipline is merely a perfection of social servitude.
I had discipline in other areas but certainly not in athletics.
Architecture is much more than a profession; It's a discipline.
Mistakes and errors are the discipline through which we advance.
When love and discipline come together you have great chemistry.
Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability.
There is something good in men that really yearn for discipline.
The discipline of fasting breaks you out of the world's routine.
Cultivate within yourselves the mighty power of self-discipline.
Yoga began as a philosophy rather than as a physical discipline.
People seem to be looking for discipline in a topsy-turvy world.
I learned to discipline myself to do things I didn't want to do.
Group discipline produces a unified effort toward a common goal.
Be a hard master to yourself - and be lenient to everybody else.
Craft and art and discipline in what you do will make you happy.
Yoga uses the body to discipline the mind and to reach the soul.
Through readiness and discipline, we are the masters of our fate.
For a writer, obsession is a good substitute for self-discipline.
There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself.
I think good work, sincerity and discipline speak for themselves.
Learning when 'enough is enough' is the discipline of a lifetime.
I prefer the discipline of knowledge to the anarchy of ignorance.
No man is such a conqueror, as the one that has defeated himself.
Genius is the capacity for receiving and improving by discipline.
Integrity is the light that shines from a disciplined conscience.
All writing is discipline, but screenwriting is a drill sergeant.
You can never conquer the mountain. You can only conquer yourself.
In order to be responsible, you need some discipline in your life.
No matter what your disciplines, you need your own personal lists.
It is one thing to praise discipline, and another to submit to it.
Boxing gives you discipline, it helps you physically and mentally.
Most people want to avoid pain, and discipline is usually painful.
True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline.
If you don't have discipline, you can't have a successful program.
Free curiosity is of more value in learning than harsh discipline.
I'm practicing the discipline of not having to have the last word.