The formula for achieving a successful relationship is simple: you ...

The formula for achieving a successful relationship is simple: you should treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.

Libya is a huge disaster.

Obamacare was a disaster.

Our military is a disaster.

It's a recipe for disaster.

The press lives on disaster.

Disasters teach us humility.

To copy is to invite disaster.

Obamacare is a disaster, folks.

I really like 'Disaster Artist.'

ObamaCare is a complete disaster.

All is but illusion and disaster.

I've had some real hair disasters.

Any disaster is a learning process.

I'm a disaster and I'm super messy.

No Child Left Behind was a disaster.

W2K will be a bigger disaster than Y2K.

I do not wish disaster to British arms.

Both triumph and disaster are impostors.

Pride and excess bring disaster for man.

Out of near disaster, came real progress.

Disaster comes only because of ignorance.

For an artist, to be normal is a disaster

Only after disaster can we be resurrected.

I would be a disaster as a prime minister.

Sometimes, disaster can inspire ingenuity.

Nothing but disaster follows from applause.

I am a PR disaster because I talk too much.

Unfettered free trade has led to a disaster.

When disaster waves, I try not to wave back.

Some people dote on contemplating disasters.

No disaster is worse than being discontented.

I can't cook to save my life. I'm a disaster.

An orchestra full of stars can be a disaster.

There is no greater disaster than discontent.

No one ever understood disaster until it came.

Without unity, the country will face disaster.

I'll destroy you. I am the master of disaster.

You have to jump into disaster with both feet.

In life, the worst disasters come from passion.

Nature was taking back what had once been hers.

A war with Pakistan would be an utter disaster.

Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.

Each disaster became a steppingstone for growth.

When faced with disaster, learn to laugh faster.

The whole world is a disaster waiting to happen.

We need the books that affect us like a disaster

The pursuit of approval usually ends in disaster.

Afghanistan is an expensive disaster for America.

The worst has happened ... it's rather liberating.

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