It's nice, because after you've worked with various directors and producers enough times, they start to know your voice and what you're capable of.

My distinguishing talent is the ability to put people under the microscope, perhaps to go one or two layers farther down than some other directors.

When you are completely satisfied with what you have made, you're pretty much done as a director. So when that happens, that'll sort of be the end.

As a means of supporting experiential element in film, once I begin to work on a particular movie I consider myself to be the tool of the director.

In the best of all possible worlds, directors would obsess about the quality of their storytelling, and not the details of their technical methods.

I think what makes a good actor's director is the same thing that makes a good director. Acting is just one of the trades necessary to make a movie.

The curse of comic book adaptations, when I was younger, was that the director or producer would go, "Don't worry about it, it's just a comic book."

Whenever I work on something, I try and throw everything I have at it. Then if the director finds it useful they use it, and if not, they ignore it!

A big thing for me is trusting the director, so I don't need to watch playback. I feel like the director is gonna tell me whether it's right or not.

I started off as a director, so when I see other actors directing, it gives me hope that maybe they'll put me into that position at some point, too.

When I was shooting with Tarantino and Mike Mills and amazing directors, it made me think that I would never be a director. It's obviously too hard.

There are a lot of scripts that you can like, but rarely are there directors attached when you're in development with something and that's stressful.

When you think of a particular director, you think you would have liked to be with them on one particular film and not necessarily on some other one.

Every time I was cast in a role, the director put a gun in my hand, so I figured I’d better learn how to use one. Then I found out I really liked it.

Some directors ask for a hero introduction number, a duet and a fast number towards the climax. Most of the times, these songs only hinder the story.

When you're an actor, you're very much exposed, but in a strange way you're totally protected behind a character, behind a script, behind a director.

The point of having a director is that they make the final decision; it's their point of view, they set the rhythm and they make the final decisions.

In France, I have lots of opportunities. Maybe now I'll be offered films in America. It's the encounter, with the director and the story that counts.

This man (Bergman) is one of the few film directors-perhaps the only one in the world-to have said as much about human nature as Dostoevsky or Camus.

George Tenet has been the director of central intelligence since 1997, time enough to have changed the Agency's culture. He has failed. He should go.

I randomly went to a casting session in my hometown in North Carolina, and the casting director introduced me to my manager. I really lucked into it!

As an actor, you tell part of a story. As a writer, you get more of telling that story. But as a director, they're seeing the world through your eyes.

I'm a writer and director, and the movie I've seen a million times is 'Stardust Memories' by Woody Allen, starring Woody Allen and Charlotte Rampling.

Whether you're a cameraman or a director, you should ask yourself every now and then, 'What am I trying to do?' Be honest and keep things very simple.

A lot of really good directors have a killer in them, as if they'd do anything to get that image. But that comes with the terrain and I don't mind it.

David Fincher is one of the best directors I know, so I'm really curious to see it. Really curious, and I want to hear Daniel have the Swedish accent.

Nothing beats novel writing because it's complete expression of you. You just control everything. Not even a movie director has that level of control.

As I told the students every time I visited a campus, you are the director of your own movie, and if you aren't enjoying what you are doing, change it.

I believe that the officers, and, especially, the directors, of corporations should be held personally responsible when any corporation breaks the law.

I like great directors who are scarce. Prolific ones are nice too but for me, there's something about the scarcity that makes it all the more valuable.

The film of tomorrow will resemble the person who made it, and the number of spectators will be proportional to the number of friends the director has.

Some very famous directors have started in the mail room, which is just getting inside the studio, getting to know people, getting to know the routine.

Obviously there was Keith Haring and Robert Mapplethorpe, but Howard was on the brink of becoming a famous director - it didn't happen because he died.

I love being on sets with very seasoned directors as well as very new directors. Every time is a discovery process. You learn something new every time.

The work is the work. The work is not me. I like the anonymity that directors can have about their films. Even though it's my voice, I'm a storyteller.

[Fifty Shades Darker director] James Foley directed Fear. And that's what I love about this film, because it has a real sexy thriller element about it.

The real trick for me as a director is to make sure that people don't start pushing because the harder you push as a perform the less funny it becomes.

The theater audience is the ultimate teacher, instructing the actor on the degree to which he has executed both the author's and the director's intent.

When it came to the on-camera TV stuff, I'd be standing next to the director, my friend, and he'd be asked a question that I should have been answering.

Directors are our teachers, and I'm always craving to work with a great director. They're pretty much the first thing that interests me about a project.

Sexism is real and it persists in film and television. I've seen female directors openly undermined by male cinematographers in front of the entire crew

However good a communicator a director is, unless they've been actors, it's just not the same as the shorthand you get with someone who's been an actor.

Directors, like actors, get typecast. And because I've had great success with comedy and horror and TV shows, that's basically what I'm kind of offered.

Unfortunately they're practically all dead. And many were my closest associates: friends, co-directors, whatever you want to say - my partners in crime.

A leadership culture is one where everyone thinks like an owner, a CEO or a managing director. It's one where everyone is entrepreneurial and proactive.

Mr. Cukor is a hard task-master, a fine director and he took me over the coals giving me the roughest time I have ever had. And I am eternally grateful.

It was difficult every ten days having a new director. I'm a real collaborator and, as an actor, I want to be directed. It's hard for me to shift gears.

If you knew my wife, you'd be like, "Yeah, you're very married." She runs the household. I refer to her as "the greatest director I've ever worked with."

So many directors say nothing beautifully, and so many others say great and profound things but have no idea how to read a light meter or arrange a shot.

Usually directors hire me because I'm what they are looking for. But once in a while, and it's very rare, they will hire me and then try to make me over.

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