I'd been working so hard making the film that I hadn't even emotionally processed the fact that I was a director.

So many directors are solely focused on their own success in Hollywood and multimillion dollar budgets and deals.

You have to be submitted for the Pulitzer, and unbeknownst to us, a choral director whom I know had submitted us.

If you think back to the great French directors it's difficult to think of British film-makers who are comparable.

I had pictured myself as a filmmaker but I had never pictured myself as a director if that makes any sense at all.

The greatest directors are the greatest users. They use people's talents to tell the story that they want to tell.

I want to really stress this, I am a director, an actor, producer, action choreographer, and I'm also an investor.

I'm a little older and I'm gonna do a bunch more movies and then they're gonna put me in a home for old directors.

TV directors just aren't sexy for some reason, Although, you know, Rob and Kim [Manners] are very sexy in my eyes.

And I may often question choices I make as a producer. But I've never questioned the choices I make as a director.

The main problem is that the Hollywood system has already made the film before the director shoots a single frame.

Each picture has some sort of rhythm which only the director can give it. He has to be like the captain of a ship.

A lot of directors prefer the solitude of the editing process, but I revel in the craziness of what a film set is.

On a film set, we're all glorified troubleshooters, really, as directors. It's not if a problem arises. It's when.

The director respects what they've hired you for and chosen you for: to do the part and respect what you're doing.

I want to get into the theater. I really wanted to be a theater director, but I turned out to be a movie director.

Good directors say, Here's where the play is. They stand by the heart of the matter. Some of them stand beside it.

Disney was kind enough, thoughtful enough and believed enough in me, as a director, to wait for me to be available.

I never aspired to be a television producer and a movie director, and I'm shocked that this idea is still going on.

I try to just make what I want to make or what I would want to see. I try not to think about the audience too much.

Every film had its own grammar. And it's your job as a director to basically figure out a language to tell a story.

Audiences are harder to please if you're just giving them effects, but they're easy to please if it's a good story.

I'm so consistent that my director's cuts are usually 20-25 minutes longer than the released version of the movies.

The core of a director is the person's tastes in what elements go together and how they go together. It's a puzzle.

Being a head designer or art director or just even a designer, you need a certain level of experience and maturity.

Sometimes when you're doing a comedy, the director will yell out "alts" and then the director gets the first laugh.

I think I'm a better director than I ever was an actor. I'd love to go back to acting, but nobody seems to want me.

Directors tend to be more underrated than overrated because it's a quiet job and people don't really understand it.

By the first week of shooting, you know exactly where your film is heading based on the psychology of your director.

I watch movies all the time, so it's hard to pick certain specific directors that have inspired me in the aggregate.

My respect for animators and animation directors has gone way, way up and it is just not something you can phone in.

As an actor and director, you have to take risks, even though I don't like saying that word. You can make a mistake.

[John] Hughes was open to that [rehearsal]. This can only happen if the director and/or the writer are open to that.

To the audience it doesn't really matter how much the director struggled with an actor. It's the result that counts.

Directors say that you should get actors before they are recognized. They will be a pain in the...or have an opinion.

I like a director that encourages me to be playful. I don't really like being restricted or controlled by a director.

Your crew becomes your family and you trust the director and the other actors on the set, and it's a very safe place.

The most nurturing of directors can make you feel too comfortable, and you don't really push for that extra whatever.

Your audience gives you everything you need. They tell you. There is no director who can direct you like an audience.

As a director, I like trying to unlock the subtext of the scene and try to put the camera in a place that helps that.

There's a bunch of directors that I really admire, and Australian ones as well. It would be nice to do a film at home.

I've always had the utmost respect and awe of what the lens can do and what a director can do with just a camera move.

It's natural for any actor that segues into directing to be an actor's director. You know how to relate to the actors.

There are many, many different kinds of movies and directors and styles. I don't mind that a movie looks like a movie.

You have to give directors and cinematographers a word blueprint for visuals, but I had to learn that from experience.

I feel like a lot of the young actors that are just coming up are really good. I think directors are directing better.

I've always traveled with the films because I want the audience to be my teacher so that I can learn for the next one.

The difference between being an actor and a director is simple. The director has to hide his panic; the actor doesn't.

I auditioned for Ted Bundy and the director Matthew Bright and we really hit it off. He cast me as Bundy's girlfriend.

My generation of director has no illusions that we are going to be fed and cared for by subsidized theater in America.

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