The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success only comes later.

A wounded heart can with difficulty be cured. [Ger., Doch ein gekranktes Herz erholt sich schwer.]

People seem to sometimes have a difficulty drawing that line between the character and the person.

A prince who will not undergo the difficulty of understanding must undergo the danger of trusting.

...God knows you can have complication and difficulty without any compensating depth or seriousness

It seems that the greatest difficulty is to find the end. Don't try to find it, it's there already.

Some things get written more quickly than others, but I can't really measure degrees of difficulty.

If we will put our trust in the Lord, he will help us through our difficulties, whatever they my be.

The price of change is measured by our will and courage, our persistence, in the face of difficulty.

Dick understands what I go through. He understands the difficulty and the brutality of the business.

if you don't believe in yourself, you'll have some difficulty in making other people believe in you.

The greatest difficulty with the world is not its ability to produce, but the unwillingness to share.

We all hit bumps. But we're not defined by the bumps, we're defined by how we respond to those bumps.

For beyond the difficulty of communicating oneself, there is the supreme difficulty of being oneself.

I do recognise that, where recruitment difficulties persist, teachers can be put under great pressure.

A lot of these industries are having difficulty finding reliable workers with the skills they require.

Those who can't imagine change reveal the deficits of their imaginations, not the difficulty of change.

Russia is a part of European culture. Therefore, it is with difficulty that I imagine NATO as an enemy.

Optimism - even, and perhaps especially in the face of difficulty - has long been an American hallmark.

You have to be able to get enough points from your away games or it puts difficulty on your home games.

Overcoming the difficulties of an ultramarathon reminds me that I can overcome the difficulties of life

It seems to me that when I see nature I see it ready-made, completely written - but then, try to do it!

But whatever the POV, and the difficulty of forcing the action into a particular frame, stay within it.

If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all.

The difficulty with marriage is that we fall in love with a personality, but must live with a character.

The difficulty is to try and teach the multitude that something can be true and untrue at the same time.

It's often difficult for us to act compassionately, but sacred art eases the difficulty by ennobling us.

The difficulty is not that great to die for a friend, the hard part is finding a friend worth dying for.

The great difficulty about keeping the Ten Commandments is that no man can keep them and be a gentleman.

One of the difficulties in living the lifestyle I lead is that it is hard to get my friends in one place.

I think one ages and one dates. I tend to have a good deal of difficulty in liking some of the new poets.

The difficulty of writing about sex, for women, is that sex is best when not thought about, not analysed.

Of course, we also have the responsibility to win games and the difficulty in the job is to combine both.

Our admiration of fine writing will always be in proportion to its real difficulty and its apparent ease.

Of all nations, those submit to civilization with the most difficulty which habitually live by the chase.

Until one acknowledges the genius within oneself, one will have great difficulty recognizing it in others.

I cannot explain it; but when difficulties arise, I am not perplexed or doubtful. I know how to meet them.

One of the difficulties of photography is that it is much better at being explicit than at being reticent.

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

The difficulty that negotiators have is often based on the cultural difference that various countries have.

The fuss that actors began making about the difficulty of shifting to sound struck me as perfectly foolish.

I don't know how happy I was when I met Sting. I always had this difficulty of not really knowing who I was.

After every difficulty, ask yourself two questions: 'What did I do right?' and 'What would I do differently?

Perpetual pushing and assurance put a difficulty out of countenance and make a seeming difficulty gives way.

Coming out involves varying degrees of difficulty that are affected by class, race, religion, and geography.

I had no difficulty as Secretary of Defense moving from the Bush administration to the Obama administration.

I am trying to do two things: dare to be a radical and not a fool, which is a matter of no small difficulty.

It's not that I don't want big triceps, but the truth is, I've never had much difficulty adding mass to them.

Accept the difficulty of what you cannot yet change. But do not accept the impossibility of ever changing it.

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