I just love the energy of going into different areas of New York.

A performer, that's what I am, only I can perform in different areas.

Analytics, math, science has gone into a lot of different areas of the NBA.

I'll look at stats after a game to see the work I've done in different areas.

I feel very lucky because I get to work in so many different areas of fashion.

Country music, like rock or blues, can move over into a lot of different areas.

I've done a variety of projects in different areas of the entertainment industry.

My religion centers in different areas than what's considered conventional religion.

I have been in sport in different areas for long enough to know what my life is day to day.

I have an interest in spirituality, and it opens up so many different areas of Indian life.

I'm used to traveling. I'm used to being in different areas of the world. Home is where my suitcase lands.

It's not necessary that every film that I direct will have dance in it. I would love to explore different areas.

The Royal Family have always had an interest in a number of different areas of society. We are a part of society.

One of the great joys of my job is that you spend a huge amount of time investigating different areas of literature.

The British community is very active and very generous in many different areas. I can only have high praise for them.

Every year is different. I always try to evolve, get better and find different areas and training that can benefit me.

I love challenging myself, doing different things, and exploring different areas that I haven't been to or gone to before.

My guitar playing touches so many different areas of the form, but the important thing is what it represents across the form.

It really is one of my qualities, moving into different areas of the field, picking up opponents as well as helping to attack.

Spending time in different areas of a business and making time to understand how everyone fits together is incredibly beneficial.

I'm a basketball player. That's what I do and what I love but that's just not all who I am. I'm talented in a lot of different areas.

The basketball experience that I have, you can use in different areas, but coaching itself, you have to go out there and learn on the fly.

You have to make the strikers fear you. Make it difficult for them to get on the ball and go into different areas. That makes my job easier.

Science and fiction both begin with similar questions: What if? Why? How does it all work? But they focus on different areas of life on earth.

For a long-running TV show, you're looking for a character who is interesting and vibrant and you can imagine going into all kinds of different areas.

There are always different areas in the game you want to develop. For me it's my all-round game in different conditions in different places in the world.

I don't know really, it doesn't feel like it has changed to me but I think to have to move with the times. Try out different areas and not get stuck in 1978.

I get noticed for different things I've done in different areas of town. If I'm in a rock club, it'll be Skid Row, if I'm in a mall it's the 'Gilmore Girls.'

I'm a classic example of what can happen if you follow your inner voice. I was cursed with interests and some talent in many different areas. It confuses people.

The thing about Toronto is that it's so versatile. There are so many different areas in it, that look like different places, that you can set almost anything there.

I've been successful in different areas, but nothing brings a smile to my face more than my oldest son, Zaire, and my second son, Zion, saying the kind word of 'Dad.'

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, they made it cool to be funny and to be embarrassed and to look a thousand different ways and show a bunch of different areas of their lives.

The Animals were a very separate and dissonant group at the time. We came from different backgrounds, different areas - we didn't even come from the same town, basically.

The five different areas in which boys are in crisis - education; jobs; emotional health; physical health; and fatherlessness - are handled by different portions of the government.

You want to stand out and be unique and do something different. I always try to zig when they zag - I guess it's a football term, but it applies to a lot of different areas of life.

If you look at any of the big companies, whether it is IBM or L'Oreal, they have a corporate religion and corporate self-image that makes it very difficult for them to execute in different areas.

I need to improve on a lot of different areas. I need to improve on my timing on my shot-blocking, when to go, and when not to go. And there's definitely always room for improvement on my shooting.

Part of getting older is realizing that you can integrate all these different areas of your life, rather than the adolescent mindset, which for me lasted a long time, which says, 'It's all or nothing.'

New Jersey is very big. There are different areas of New Jersey. There is North New Jersey. There is like the center. There are a lot of actors from New Jersey that don't speak with a New Jersey accent.

In order to reason, you need a network to be able to bring in knowledge from several different areas, such as math, science, and philosophy, to reach reasonable conclusions on what it's been tasked with.

I do like to be creative and I'm very lucky that I've been given different areas in which I'm able to do that - whether it be film or television or theatre or whatever. I'm also still into music and recording.

There is an idea of, you know, informing people about some emerging things. And part of that is just a reflection of my own interest, following different areas and saying, you know, look what they're doing now.

It wasn't until I went to college and met different people from different areas of life - and then went to San Francisco and met people who really knew who the hell they were - that I kind of caught up in a hurry.

I would never want to disrespect my beliefs. There are certain, obviously different, areas you wouldn't go. It's not congruent to who I am as a person, and it would be insincere, and it wouldn't be based on truth.

I would like to think that Ben and myself have begun a partnership that will take us into different areas of music that we can continue to write, enjoy and keep me involved with music other then what I do with RUSH.

When I was young, I would go to youth clubs after school, run by my teachers and there were places to go where you could talk things out or enjoy sport with kids from different areas so territorial barriers were broken down.

I think comedy has a range, with multiple peaks in different areas. It's like trying to compare Beethoven and the Beatles. Sometimes I hear from people, 'I think you try too hard in your comedy.' And that's what I worry about.

Sometimes we need to step back and understand the power of video games. 'Dear Esther' does just that. Through visuals, audio, and narration, this title weaves a story around the player as they explore different areas in the game.

I like the 'Keystone Kops' storyline. It didn't actually go quite the way I wanted to, but it was another great way to show how different life was in these two different corners of the DCU, being on the ground in these different areas.

I think we compete with lots of different players in different areas. So clearly, in our core business, which is search, Microsoft and Yahoo! are the big players, and they continue to compete. There are a lot of smaller search engines as well.

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