Better sit still, than rise to meet the devil.

Speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear.

Everytime you forgive you disappoint the devil.

Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy

Liberty is from God; liberties, from the devil.

The cleverest of all the devils is Opportunity.

I still got a few more dances with the devil...

I have always said the first Whig was the Devil.

God is in my head, but the devil is in my pants.

God Is, Lucifer is a devil, and there is a Hell.

The devil is not afraid of a dust-covered Bible.

You leave out God, and you substitute the devil.

The devil fears hearts on fire with love of God.

I hope you're representing the devil's advocate.

God is a good God, and the Devil is a bad Devil.

The Devil hath power To assume a pleasing shape.

Everyone who believes in the devil is the devil.

I'm a human, too. I'm not an angel. I'm a devil.

The Devil will use our words and his dictionary.

You never know when the devil might come calling.

The Devil is in the details, but so is salvation.

To err is human. To repeat error is of the Devil.

My devil had been long caged, he came out roaring

Politicians are the close relatives of the Devil.

If the Devil is real, then God must be real, too.

Chaos is God's body. Order is the Devil's chains.

Don't board with the devil if you wish to be fat.

If the Devil's in yer pants make cheese with him.

In wretched outcomes, the devil is in the details.

Devils soonest tempt, resembling spirits of light.

God and the devil lose to a common enemy: inertia.

The flesh is a worse enemy than the devil himself.

The devil wipes his breech with poor folks' pride.

In time of war, the Devil makes more room in Hell.

Left to himself, man is half beast and half devil.

God became man, granted. The devil became a woman.

I came to serve notice on the devil- he is a liar!

The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil.

Marriage and sex and money the only living devils.

Gossip is the foul smell from the Devil's backside.

O, while you live, tell truth, and shame the Devil!

He must have a long spoon that eats with the devil.

If I exorcise my devils, all my angels may go, too.

When the devil starts messing, God starts blessing.

Anything new is always considered the devil's tool.

Better the devil you know than the angel you don't.

Beach balls at festivals are the work of the devil.

The angel within me thrives on the devil within me.

The devil says I'm out, but the Lord says I'm safe.

I don't give the devil credit for creating nothing.

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