There are so many men and women who hold no distinctive positions but whose contribution towards the development of society has been enormous.

It's wonderful to see more of my colleagues recognizing the importance of investing in STEM education and scientific research and development.

I am very proud to align myself with Miken - a brand known as an innovator and leader in the development of high performance sports equipment.

Freedom is the opportunity for right development, for development in accordance with the progressive ideal of life that we have in conscience.

There is no discipline in the world so severe as the discipline of experience subjected to the tests of intelligent development and direction.

To ensure continuing prosperity in the global economy, nothing is more important than the development and application of knowledge and skills.

The most fundamental problem in software development is complexity. There is only one basic way of dealing with complexity: divide and conquer

I am not a philosopher, only frustrated by the development of the world we live in - and too stupid to keep my mouth shut when I see injustice.

The true law of the race is progress and development. Whenever civilization pauses in the march of conquest, it is overthrown by the barbarian.

Any species capable of producing, at this earliest, juvenile stage of its development... the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, cannot be all bad.

Our busy lives force us to focus on things we do from day to day. But the development of character comes only as we focus on who we really are.

[The historical] development in the international system may almost be defined as the process by which we pass from stable war to stable peace.

The slurbs, urban sprawl, and the infinite number, of housing developments of the postwar boom have contributed to the architecture of entropy.

We are involved in technology development for, you know, missions that we hope to plan that would take us to an asteroid and eventually to Mars.

A child's character develops in accordance with the obstacles he has encountered... or the freedom favoring his development that he has enjoyed.

Incentives and infrastructure should encourage development and that development needs to contain the right types of housing in the right places.

What is the true test of character unless it be its progressive development in the bustle and turmoil, in the action and reaction of daily life.

Recreational development is a job not of building roads into the lovely country, but of building receptivity into the still unlovely human mind.

Built on the foundation of concentration is the third aspect of the Buddha’s path of awakening: clarity of vision and the development of wisdom.

No society will long survive without mothers who care for their young and provide that nurturing care so essential for their normal development.

Sustainability is growth based on forms and processes of development that do not undermine the integrity of the environment on which they depend

When I was starting out, the first women studio heads and writers were just getting into their perches - development execs learning their chops.

Emulation and imitation can legitimately influence one's development, but ultimately the artist must find his own path - and be true to himself.

You cannot predict the outcome of human development. All you can do is like a farmer create the conditions under which it will begin to flourish.

The future is fluid. Each act, each decision, and each development creates new possibilities and eliminates others. The future is ours to direct.

My prime interests are in evolution and development. I use the cellular slime molds as a tool to seek an understanding of those twin disciplines.

Religious faith, like political belief, should be based on reasoning, on the development of thought and feelings. The two things are inseparable.

With software, you really can replicate and do a lot of very real and active development in parallel, and actually try it out and see what works.

On a purely technical side, I'm really very happy with how Linux gets used in a very wide set of different areas. It's important for development.

Whatever direction your life takes, your underlying themes remain. Discover and explore your themes to open the way for rich creative development.

Anyone that's involved in development has discovered that all the good work that's been done in development has been undone by the AIDS emergency.

You have all played a significant part in my development of loving. As a result, my life has been rich and full, so I leave feeling very grateful.

All geologic history is full of the beginning and the ends of species-of their first and last days; but it exhibits no genealogies of development.

White House and State Department foreign-policy experts are overwhelmingly directed towards military and diplomatic issues, not development issues.

Furthermore, a large portion of the assets of leading Russian figures is mixed, meaning that it is not quite clear how to counter this development.

The category of first sentence makes sense only if it is looking forward to the development of thematic concerns it perhaps only dimly foreshadows.

Mere good governance is not enough; it has to be pro-people and pro-active. Good governance is putting people at the center of development process.

Advocates of unrestricted abortion do not want the public to focus on these undeniable facts of fetal development, but the facts cannot be ignored.

The film language is still in development and the traditional dialogue is the biggest problem because nobody knows how to interpret it in 3D world.

Remember, our focus should remain on development because it is development alone that can transform this nation as well as the lives of its people.

Investments in immunization yield a rate of return on a par with educating our children - and higher than nearly any other development intervention.

There is no development strategy more beneficial to society as a whole - women and men alike - than the one which involves women as central players.

Each time you dip into the well of existence it changes you. Rapid mental development is that process. It is a process of escalating your evolution.

A world in which others controlled the course of their own development, would be a world in which the American system would be seriously endangered.

The development of Africa will not happen without the effective participation of women. Our forefathers' image of women must be buried once for all.

Success is a continuing thing. It is growth and development. It is achieving one thing and using that as a stepping stone to achieve something else.

In some industries, we refer to risk taking as 'research and development.' At financial institutions, we often take risk by investing in securities.

Norway has a great history of women's football, but it's harder now. We've stopped talking about development, and other countries have overtaken us.

We need economic growth, yes, but growth can be jobless, so a sustainable development framework for employment must include a job creation strategy.

The Saudi government's denial of basic rights to women is not only wrong, it hurts Saudi Arabia's economic development, modernization and prosperity.

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