The lesson is clear. Inflation devalues us all.

You'll never succeed with people who devalue you!

The highway program devalues the tax base of a city.

I don't devalue comedy as compared to drama. Not one bit.

If one devalues rationality, the world tends to fall apart.

We must end welfare programs that devalue men and spoil women.

For every achievement, there is a critic to devalue its worth.

You cannot devalue the body and value the soul Or value anything else.

Constant, indiscriminate approval devalues because it is so predictable.

The fact that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves doesn't devalue what he wrote.

If we continue to devalue ourselves we cannot realistically expect respect from others.

Don't ever, ever devalue your product. Ever. It's the worst thing anyone can do to hurt your brand.

People are out there saying we have to devalue our properties because of the Internet, but it hasn't even come into play!

The mystery religions were instituted in order to protect the marvels of the commonplace from those who would devalue them.

Learning to charge properly is a vital key to abundance. Affirm that you will never devalue yourself by charging less than what you feel you are worth.

Whatever business you're in - it doesn't matter - it's going to commoditize over time. It's going to devalue. You've got to keep moving it to a higher value.

I do not devalue the role of a maid or nanny, or the stereotypical roles that some members of our family have actually done to feed our families in real life.

When we imagine our Universe to be just one out of a multitude of possible worlds we devalue this world, the one we see, the one we should be trying to explain.

A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. And you devalue the citizenship of every Canadian in this place and in this country when you break down and make it conditional for anyone.

Tumblr culture and the whole reappropriation-without-context thing are a double-edged sword in that they both raise awareness of my work and also kind of devalue it at the same time.

We must stress that the euro has been beneficial to the European Union because, otherwise, in this context of international turmoil, every country would have to devalue their currencies.

'Atlas Shrugged' shows when you have a singular vision of something and how quickly you can become attune to that vision and devalue others quickly based on their principles and ideologies.

If they're out of high school, and they can go directly to the NBA and get drafted and get millions of dollars, I'm for it 100 percent. Just let's not devalue education. Let's just not devalue it.

You don't ever want to devalue music. Music is important; it's necessary product. I always try to make sure that there's a value - that people appreciate music and realize that there's a value to it.

It is very important for people to understand that the United States of America and no country around the world can devalue its way to prosperity, to be competitive. It is not a viable, feasible strategy, and we will not engage in it.

But the fact that we had to devalue by 40% at once means that Malawians are feeling the shock, the impact of that huge devaluation and particularly rural people, the poor are the ones that are going to be most affected. That is why there is the austerity plan.

Any such inklings were like a few scattered grains of truth dissolved in an ocean of nonsense, and were anyway generally inextricably bound up with patently paranoid ravings which served only to devalue the small amounts of sense and pertinence with which they were associated.

We have to make the physical music a little more valuable instead of just having a download link and a bunch of songs you downloaded from some torrent site. People try to make the music value-less, and I don't think we're going to stop that train, but the one thing that they can't devalue are things that are in the outside world.

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