I'm an ambassador for Medical Detection dogs.

I want to make people aware of early detection.

Luck is not an acceptable substitute for early detection.

Society punishes not the vices of its members, but their detection.

It was early detection that saved my voice - and I imagine, my life.

The good-news stories in medicine are early detection, early intervention.

There can be life after breast cancer. The prerequisite is early detection.

Metaphor is not just the detection of patterns; it is the creation of patterns.

No severity of punishment deters when detection is uncertain, as it always must be.

I think we can all agree that women deserve access to life saving, early detection procedures.

Spoofed robocalls are often used by fraudsters to lure consumers into scams and avoid detection.

The detection of gravitational waves is truly a triumph of modern large-scale experimental physics.

Literary detection and firearms don't really go hand in hand; pen mighter than the sword and so forth.

You can't hold firewalls and intrusion detection systems accountable. You can only hold people accountable.

Once we see stars with three times the metal content of our sun, the planet detection rate goes up to 20 per cent.

Our eyes only see the big dimensions, but beyond those there are others that escape detection because they are so small.

The code core of the 2001 browser upgrade campaign was the first instance of capability detection in place of browser detection.

With breast cancer, it's all about detection. You have to educate young women and encourage them to do everything they have to do.

The first exoplanet to be found around a sun-like star was discovered in 1995, just two years before I began studying exoplanet detection.

As someone who has had cancer, I learned that you don't have to die. Look at me. Because of early detection, I'm fine. I'm cured. I'm well.

We want to keep creating the biggest impact we can in the cancer space by focuses on prevention, early detection, and psychosocial support.

A non-invasive test that is sensitive and specific for the early detection of breast cancer is a goal worthy of our investment and dedication.

Lie detection is like language; there is a learning window. Telling whoppers to small children seems to be a family tradition in many families.

All women should understand that a mammogram is nothing to be afraid of. It's not an enemy but a friend. Early detection is the key to the cure.

Some women facing 'honour' crimes require relocation far outside the reaches of their extended families and changes of identity to escape detection.

Asteroid detection, tracking, and defense of our planet is something that NASA, its interagency partners, and the global community take very seriously.

Increasing detection and enforcement at points of entry means hiring new Customs officers and purchasing more equipment to screen vehicles for contraband.

I continue to be a strong believer in the life-saving importance of early detection, and I encourage everyone to be proactive about their preventive screenings.

One big question that's come up is: Has autism increased on the mild side of things? I don't think so - they've always been here. Some of this is increased detection.

I simply can't buy as much of some stocks such as Detection Systems or United Education & Software as I'd like because there just aren't all that many shares available.

The whole thing of moving the currency through currency sorting and detection machines and so on that was the whole process actually encouraging electronic transactions.

In today's world, new infections and diseases can spread across the country and even across the world in a matter of days, or even hours, making early detection critical.

We conduct a safety review of all images, audio, and video files through a combination of human review and machine detection prior to them becoming available on our platform.

I followed him at the time and thought he was hysterical. He was the first serial killer, a new kettle of fish, because we didn't have the detection techniques in those days.

Indeed, mysteries lead readers through an endless variety of subjects and settings; yet sometimes devotees of detection seek to be transported though another dimension as well: time.

Because the majority of my readers are women, I feel that one public service I can provide to them is to spread the message of regular mammograms and early detection within the strip.

I encourage all men - and all women who love their men - to make sure to get out every year, from the age of 50 on, and have PSA and DRE tests. With early detection, you can have an early cure.

I'd like people to know that you can head off kidney disease, maybe prevent a transplant or stop the disease from progressing after detection by doing a simple urine test in the doctor's office.

Ninety percent of cyber security companies begin in the detection stage. The issue is there are so many applications and alarming messages it is difficult for the user or the administrator to manage.

It is the duty of Congress to ensure our lead regulations are up to date and consistent with modern detection methods so that we can better protect children from the harmful consequences of exposure.

To my knowledge, the Department of Homeland Security has focused on detection devices that are large, expensive, use a large amount of energy, and cannot easily be placed in or on a shipping container.

Breast cancer deaths in America have been declining for more than a decade. Much of that success is due to early detection and better treatments for women. I strongly encourage women to get a mammogram.

I have four things to be concerned about: prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, melanoma and breast cancer. The rest of my life I have to be very much aware and conscious and do all of the early detection.

Better treatment and detection methods have also improved the survival rate for people with cancer, and for the first time in history, this year the absolute number of cancer deaths in the U.S. has decreased.

Athletes vs Cancer is a foundation that I started in 2008 after I lost my mom to cancer in 2007, and our goal is early detection, preventative screening and just really spreading knowledge about the cancer disease.

Other countries, such as Israel, successfully employ behavior detection techniques at their airports, but the bloated, ineffective bureaucracy of TSA has produced another security failure for U.S. transportation systems.

When Mrs. Bush was First Lady, she went all over the Mideast talking about breast cancer awareness and the need for early screening. She did this in places where the cultures prohibit such discussion or even detection efforts.

Everyone needs to be proactive and know the various warning signs of cancer. Early detection and research to make detection easier at earlier stages, along with the treatments needs, is still a must. I salute all those winning the battle.

No company is hiring anyone to search for messages from aliens. Most people don't seem to think there's much benefit to it. The lack of interest is, I think, because most people don't realize what even a simple detection would really mean.

It's very frightening when you're told you have any form of the c-word, but because of early detection, they caught it before it had hardly begun. I'm completely cured and will go on to have a wonderful, fruitful life. I'll never die of prostate cancer.

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