Men are said to desire women, Severian. Why do they despise the women they obtain?

However exalted our position, we should still not despise the powers of the humble.

I'm 5ft 1in and despise being small. People think I'm cute and cuddly, and I'm not.

Who despises all that is despicable is made to be impressed with all that is grand.

There's nothing I despise more than people trying to be something that they're not.

The people who know Ted Cruz best despise him, including his former college roommate.

Dwarfs have also the right to despise the giants, because giants too can be defeated!

Nothing will demoralize the nation so much as that we should learn to despise labour.

In our house we don't use words like "despise" and 'hate,' we say "strongly dislike."

There are two words I hate and despise and don't want to hear: red carpet and iconic.

Of course I despise money when I haven't got any. It's the only dignified thing to do.

I'm a sworn enemy of convention. I despise the conventional in anything, even the arts.

I despise people who revel in the ignorance of not being able to play their instrument.

The Great Seal has got it all - everything liberals despise is there, front and center.

Languages are no more than the keys of Sciences. He who despises one, slights the other.

If I be worthy, I live for my God to teach the heathen, even though they may despise me.

We do not despise all those who have vices, but we do despise those that have no virtue.

I have never been afraid of making patriots; but I disdain and despise all their efforts.

My whole life has conspired to bring me to this place, and I can’t despise my whole life.

Men naturally despise those who court them, but respect those who do not give way to them.

Great is the power of habit. It teaches us to bear fatigue and to despise wounds and pain.

Ugarte: You despise me, don't you? Rick Blaine: If I gave you any thought I probably would.

To supervise people, you must either surpass them in their accomplishments or despise them.

We often pretend to fear what we really despise, and more often despise what we really fear.

Part of our society kills what it loves, despises what it's created. It really hates success.

Russians not only vehemently despise blacks, they believe Africa begins at the Ukraine border.

For generations, even many otherwise decent white Southerners learned to despise black people.

I figure it's okay to make certain rules, whether or not people despise you for it at the time.

To despise no opportunity of usefulness is a leading rule with those who are wise to win souls.

I no longer feel any allegiance to these monsters called human beings, despise being one myself.

I despise places where you have to have an assigned seat. Makes me feel like I'm at the airport.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.

There are many Muslims of good will and despise this extremism as much as anyone of any other faith.

This guy [Steven Lerner] is a pure anti-capitalist. He despises America. He is on a personal crusade.

If you value a man's regard, strive with him. As to liking, you like your newspaper - and despise it.

My unhealthy affection for my second daughter has waned. Now I despise all my seven children equally.

I am clumsy, a late and nervous driver, and despise all sports except a little gentle dancing or yoga.

Every quality I despise in George Bush is a quality I despise in myself. He is my worst self realized.

why human beings despise what is beautiful and good, and seek to destroy the things they need the most

Do you absolutely despise me, Walter?" "No." He hesitated and his voice was strange. "I despise myself.

To my disappointment I now realized that to know all is not to forgive all. It is to despise everybody.

Flattery, if judiciously administered, is always acceptable, however much we may despise the flatterer.

I despise this weakness in myself - this endless one-sided conversation that takes the place of action.

If we are long absent from our friends, we forget them; if we are constantly with them, we despise them.

Many speak the truth when they say that they despise riches, but they mean the riches possessed by others.

Never fear another challenger, no matter how large; Never despise another challenger, no matter how small.

Most people know nothing about learning; many despise it. Dummies reject as too hard whatever is not dumb.

We should not have a petty regard for God's gifts, though we may and should despise our own imperfections.

More sinners are cursed at not because we despise their sins but because we envy their success at sinning.

We trifle with, make sport of, and despise those who are attached to us, and follow those that fly from us.

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