I think overall, from a deputy, from an undersecretary standpoint, the goal of a good leader is to get diversity across there. Geographical diversity is important. Industry diversity is important: you can't have all corn growers... Not only that, you've got gender diversity, you've got racial diversity.

The mainstream media may have trouble resisting the temptation to declare that Karl Rove has been demoted, but the truth is quite the contrary. By giving up his role as deputy White House chief of staff, Rove has been freed to do what he does best: shape big issues and develop strategies to win elections.

My brother Kobi made my mother very proud when he was elected deputy mayor of Jerusalem. My sister made her proud when she got an advanced university degree, finishing cum laude, and I could not have given my mother a better present than having her come to the Knesset to witness my swearing-in as a minister.

Everyone says I drive like my grandfather, but that's not always a good thing because he didn't always watch the road because he'd talk to you and look at you. He was a deputy sheriff, a cop, for a long time. So he was always looking around, checking out other things, other than what's directly in front of him.

It's a big deal when you have got to fire the deputy director of the FBI because he lies four times, twice under oath. It's also a big deal when you have got to reassign people off the Mueller probe, when you have got cash at the Democratic National Committee that is convertible into a warrant to spy on American citizens.

I took office as president in January 2003, and in April 2003, I sent to Congress my first proposal for tax reform. Some parts were voted on, with respect to federal taxes, and then it came to a standstill. Why? Because each state is interested in its own tax reform, has its own tax policy, and each state has its federal deputies and senators.

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